Hi Daniel,
I was awaiting your mail and I admire your perseverence with bringing
this topic to our attention.
[Denis] I admire your perseverence with constantly refusing to include
this attack. :-)
To your points:
Am 12.04.21 um 13:36 schrieb Denis:
The case where two clients collude to mount an attack against a RS is
not addressed. It now needs to be addressed.
This should be added in section 1 ( Introduction)
The first sentence of section 3 (The Updated OAuth 2.0 Attacker
Model) clearly states:
" In the following, this attacker model is updated (...) to
include new types of attackers and to define the attacker model more
Section 3 should include the case of a collusion or a collaboration
attack between clients against a RS, where one of them is a
legitimate client
voluntarily "helping" another client to use or to request access
tokens that would normally "belong" to the legitimate client.
As I'm sure you have noticed, we have updated Section 3 following your
last input. It now explicitly says:
Attackers can collaborate to reach a common goal.
It also says
Note that in this attacker model, an attacker (see A1) can be a RO or
act as one. For example, an attacker can use his own browser to
replay tokens or authorization codes obtained by any of the attacks
described above at the client or RS.
Your scenario is therefore covered. It was already before, but that
was obviously too implicit, so we made it more clear with the recent
[Denis] I don't believe that the scenario is covered with the above
Finally, section 4 (Attacks and Mitigations) should include an
additional subsection, e.g. section 4.16, addressing the case of a
collaboration attack
between clients against a RS.
If I remember correctly, you first presented this attack at the OAuth
Security Workshop in 2017.
Since then, it has been brought up countless times on this mailing
list, both with regards to the Security BCP as well as for the JWT
Token draft.
There has been practically no positive resonance at the meeting 2017
or here on the mailing list as to including this in either of the drafts.
A number of reasons come to mind, but first and foremost, I think that
what you describe is not perceived as an attack, or, worded differently,
it is obvious that what you describe in the "attack" is possible.
[Denis] Here after comes the important sentence which is wrong:
*There is no expectation that OAuth would defend against this kind of
just as there is no mitigation against password sharing in
password-based authentication.
[Denis] In the section 4.16.2 there is a clear proposal that explains
how *"OAuth can successfully defend against this kind of thin**g"*. *So*
*there **IS **a solution*.
Currently, when reading the text, an implementer might consider to
deliver an access token that contains a claim such as "older the 18"
without any "sub" or equivalent claim.
Such an access token would be transferable to anyone and the RS would
not be able to identify the attack.
I therefore propose to proceed with the Security BCP *with the inclusion
of this attack*.
Even though the Security BCP attacker model includes the general
setting required for the attack, the attack does not violate an
expected security property.
I therefore propose to proceed with the Security BCP without including
this attack.
[Denis] Since you have deleted the remaining of my email, I copy it
again. If you respond to this email, please DO NOT delete it.
Section 4 (Attacks and Mitigations) should include an additional
subsection, e.g. section 4.16, addressing the case of a
collaboration attack
between clients against a RS.
This sub-section would need to include to other sub-sections:
4.16.1Attack Description
The following text is a skeleton proposed for these subsections:
*4.16****Collaboration attack between clients against a RS*
The goal of the attack is for an illegitimate client to obtain an
access token from an authorization server with the help of a client
of the authorization server.
*4.16.1****Attack Description*
The legitimate client performs in real time all the cryptographic
computations needed by the illegitimate client to get an access
token and to present it to a RS.
This attack is not a replay of a access token, but the use of a
legitimate access token by an illegitimate client with the
complicity of the legitimate client.
It should be observed that protecting some private keys into a
secure element is ineffective to counter this kind of attack, since
the legitimate client can perform
all the computations needed by the illegitimate client, without the
need to know or to transfer the values of these private keys.
This attack may be countered by using a "sub" claim into the access
token. It should be observed that the "sub" claim is a REQUIRED
claim in the JWT access token
data structure. See section 2.2 from JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile
for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens.
Section 5 (Security Considerations) from JSON Web Token (JWT)
Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens states:
Authorization servers should prevent scenarios where clients can
affect the value of the "sub" claim in ways that could confuse
resource servers.
This statement is correct but insufficient, since it does not say
how resources servers cannot get confused.
Section 6(Privacy Considerations) states:
This profile mandates the presence of the "sub" claim in every
JWT access token, making it possible for resource servers to rely on
that information
for correlating incoming requests with data stored locally for
the authenticated principal.
This statement is correct but is unclear. To be more precise, in
order to counter the collaboration attack between clients against a
RS, the RS should manage
user accounts associated either with a globally unique identifier or
an identifier specific to an AS-RS pair while the "sub" claim shall
contain either
a globally unique identifier or an identifier specific to an AS-RS
pair which shall be compared with the identifier of the user
account. If there is no match,
the access token shall be discarded.
In this way, the access token will be linked to the user account of
the legitimate client and the illegitimate client cannot take
advantage of the claims
contained into the access token.
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