Hello you want to better help me understand what is this you referring too?

> On Apr 4, 2021, at 5:15 PM, Nikos Fotiou <fot...@aueb.gr> wrote:
> Hi I am wondering if the following terminology is more appropriate for the 
> DPoP draft (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-fett-oauth-dpop-04):
> - Since a DPoP proof is a JWT encoded in a JWS may be it is better to say 
> "DPoP proof payload" instead of "DPoP proof body" (end of page 4).
> - For the same reason use "JOSE header" instead of "JSON header" (beginning 
> of page 5)
> - Moreover, here and there it is stated "the header of the JWT". AFAIU JWTs 
> do not have headers themselves but the header is part of the JWS/JWE 
> structure in which the JWT is encoded. So may be it is more appropriate to 
> say "the JOSE header" instead of "the header of the JWT". 
> Best,
> Nikos
> --
> Nikos Fotiou - http://pages.cs.aueb.gr/~fotiou
> Researcher - Mobile Multimedia Laboratory
> Athens University of Economics and Business
> https://mm.aueb.gr
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