I admit I haven't been present that long in this group, however it might
help to start at the beginning. So far I see rfc8620
<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8620> already exists, is there a draft or
something else you want to discuss?

Are you hoping to introduce a new authentication protocol?

Any additional information would be appreciated.

Warren Parad

Founder, CTO
Secure your user data with IAM authorization as a service. Implement
Authress <https://authress.io/>.

On Tue, Feb 23, 2021 at 2:25 PM Bron Gondwana <br...@fastmailteam.com>

> On Wed, Feb 24, 2021, at 00:13, Warren Parad wrote:
> Hey Bron,
> (caveat: I only skimmed the other conversation)
> I'm trying to figure out how best to digest your message. I feel like I'm
> missing context in your message, is there something about JMAP required
> authentication that you're asking to be considered in OAuth. Help me figure
> out what I'm missing.
> We were told at the time "if you're doing an authentication protocol over
> HTTP, it's going have to go to OAuth group".
> --
>   Bron Gondwana, CEO, Fastmail Pty Ltd
>   br...@fastmailteam.com
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