On Tue, Feb 23, 2021, at 23:40, Rifaat Shekh-Yusef wrote:
> So you have never reached out to us to try to bring any work to the WG, and 
> based on attending one meeting and hearing from a few people, you formed a 
> strong opinion and declared that "nothing would get done"? that seems odd.

Based on a few meetings, and having heard from many people.

> For your information, last year we published 4 RFCs, and we already have 3 
> documents with the IESG and more to come.

That's good to hear.

> If you have anything you want to bring to the OAuth WG, Hannes and I would be 
> happy to discuss this with you or anyone that wants to bring work to the 
> OAuth WG.

Thanks.  I don't mean to pick on OAuth specifically, but I also would recommend 
that you ask around and see whether my view of the culture of the OAuth working 
group is widely shared within the IETF or whether I've managed to find myself 
inside a small echo chamber that has a poor opinion of the welcoming-ness of 
the working group.

Either way, the fact that the participants of the JMAP working group (including 
myself) who were all new to the IETF at the time were warned that OAuth is not 
a place where you can reasonably expect to get your work advanced is an 
indictment of SOMETHING, and that's worth having a think about in terms of 
making the IETF a welcoming place.



  Bron Gondwana, CEO, Fastmail Pty Ltd

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