> On 13 Dec 2020, at 09:11, Torsten Lodderstedt <tors...@lodderstedt.net> wrote:
> [...]
>>> - generating (self contained) or using (handles) per URL access tokens 
>>> might be rather expensive. Can you sketch out how you wanna cope with that 
>>> challenge?
>> A decent HMAC implementation takes about 1-2 microseconds for typical size 
>> of token we’re talking about. 
> The generation of a self contained access token typically requires querying 
> claim values from at least a single data source. That might take more time. 
> For handle based tokens/token introspection, one needs to add the time it 
> takes to obtain the token data, which requires a HTTPS communication. That 
> could be even more time consuming.

This is typically true of identity-based tokens, where access to a resource is 
based on who is accessing it. But in a capability-based model this is not the 
case and the capability itself grants access and is not (usually) tied to an 
individual identity. 

Where you do want to include claims in a token, or tie capabilities to an 
identity, then there are more efficient strategies than looking up those claims 
every time you create a new capability token. For example, in my book I 
implement a variant in which simple capability URIs are used for access but 
these are bound to a traditional identity-based session cookie that can be used 
to look up identity attributes as required. This provides security benefits to 
both the cookie (CSRF protection) and the capability URIs (linked to a HttpOnly 
cookie makes them harder to steal). 

If you use macaroons then typically you’d mint a single token with the claims 
in it and then derive lots of individual tokens from it by appending caveats. 
For example, when generating a directory listing in a Dropbox-like app you’d 
mint a single token with details of the user etc and then derive individual 
tokens to access each file by appending a caveat like “file = 

— Neil
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