Hi Neil,

thanks for your comprehensive answers. Please find my comments inline.

best regards,

> Am 12.12.2020 um 21:11 schrieb Neil Madden <neil.mad...@forgerock.com>:
> Good questions! Answers inline:
>>> On 12 Dec 2020, at 10:07, Torsten Lodderstedt <tors...@lodderstedt.net> 
>>> wrote:
>> Thanks for sharing, Neil!
>> I‘ve got some questions:
>> Note: I assume the tokens you are referring in your article are OAuth access 
>> tokens.
> No, probably not. Just auth tokens more generically. 
>> - carrying tokens in URLs wie considered bad practice by the Security BCP 
>> and OAuth 2.1 due to leakage via referrer headers and so on. Why isn’t this 
>> an issue with your approach?
> This is generally safe advice, but it is often over-cautious for three 
> reasons:
> 1. Referer headers (and window.referrer) apply when embedding/linking 
> resources in HTML. But when we’re talking about browser-based apps (eg SPAs), 
> that usually means JavaScript calling some backend API that returns JSON or 
> some other data format. These data formats don’t have links or embedded 
> resources (as far as the browser is concerned), so they don’t leak Referer 
> headers in the same way. When the app loads a resource from a URI in a JSON 
> response the Referer header will contain the URI of the app itself (most 
> likely a generic HTML template page), not the capability URI from which the 
> JSON was loaded. Similar arguments apply to browser history and other typical 
> ways that URIs leak. 
> 2. You can now use the Referrer-Policy header [1] and rel=“noopener 
> noreferrer” to opt out of this leakage, and browsers are moving to doing this 
> by default for cross-origin requests/embeds. (This is already enabled by 
> default in Safari). 
> 3. When you do want to use capability URIs for top-level navigation, there 
> are places in the URI you can put a token that aren’t ever included in 
> Referer headers or window.referrer or ever sent to the server at all - such 
> as the fragment. JavaScript can then extract the token from the fragment (and 
> then wipe it) and send it to the server in an Authorization header or 
> whatever. See [2] for more details and alternatives. 
> [1]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Referrer-Policy
> [2]: 
> https://neilmadden.blog/2019/01/16/can-you-ever-safely-include-credentials-in-a-url/
>> - generating (self contained) or using (handles) per URL access tokens might 
>> be rather expensive. Can you sketch out how you wanna cope with that 
>> challenge?
> A decent HMAC implementation takes about 1-2 microseconds for typical size of 
> token we’re talking about. 

The generation of a self contained access token typically requires querying 
claim values from at least a single data source. That might take more time. For 
handle based tokens/token introspection, one needs to add the time it takes to 
obtain the token data, which requires a HTTPS communication. That could be even 
more time consuming.

>> - per URL Access tokens are a very consequent Form or audience restriction. 
>> How do you wanna signal the audience to the AS?
> As I said, this isn’t OAuth, but for example you can already do this with the 
> macaroon access tokens in ForgeRock AM 7.0 - issue a single access token and 
> then make copies with specific audience restrictions added as caveats, as 
> discussed in [3]. Such audience restrictions are then returned in the token 
> introspection response and the RS can enforce them. 

> My comment in the article about ideas for future OAuth is really just that 
> the token endpoint should be able to issue multiple fine-grained access 
> tokens in one go, each associated with a particular endpoint (or endpoints). 
> You could either return these as separate items like:
> “access_tokens”: [
>     { “token”: “abc...”, 
>        “aud”: “https://api.example.com/foo” },
>     { “token”: “def...”,
>        “aud”: “https://api.example.com/bar” }
> ]

I like the idea (and have liked it for a long time  

resource indicators or authorization_details (with locations) could basically 
be used for that purpose but OAuth2 lacks multiple tokens support in the token 

> Or just go ahead and combine those into capability URIs. (I think I already 
> mentioned this a long time ago when GNAP was first being discussed). 
> Speaking even more wishfully, what I would really love to see is a new URL 
> scheme for these, something like:
>   bearer://<token>@api.example.com/foo
> Which is equivalent to a HTTPS link, but the browser knows about this format 
> and when clicking on/accessing such a URI it sends the token as an 
> Authorization: Bearer header automatically. Ideally the browser would also 
> not allow the token to be accessible from the DOM. 

Interesting. That would allow to elevate browser support to the level of BASIC.

> Even without browser support I think such a URI scheme would be useful to 
> allow GitHub and others to more easily recognise capability URIs checked into 
> public git repos and perhaps provide a way to automatically revoke them 
> (.well-known/token-revocation perhaps).
> [3]: 
> https://neilmadden.blog/2020/07/29/least-privilege-with-less-effort-macaroon-access-tokens-in-am-7-0/
> — Neil
>> best regards,
>> Torsten.
>>>> Am 12.12.2020 um 08:26 schrieb Neil Madden <neil.mad...@forgerock.com>:
>>> Not directly related to DPoP or OAuth, but I wrote some notes to help 
>>> recovering XSS Nihilists: 
>>> https://neilmadden.blog/2020/12/10/xss-doesnt-have-to-be-game-over/
>>> — Neil
>>>>> On 12 Dec 2020, at 00:02, Brian Campbell 
>>>>> <bcampbell=40pingidentity....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
>>>> I think that puts Jim in the XSS Nihilism camp :) 
>>>> Implicit type flows are being deprecated/discouraged. But keeping tokens 
>>>> out of browsers doesn't seem likely. There is some menton of CSP in 
>>>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-browser-based-apps-07#section-9.7
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 4:10 PM Jim Manico <j...@manicode.com> wrote:
>>>>> The basic theme from the web attacker community is:
>>>>> 1) XSS is a game over event to web clients. XSS can steal or abuse 
>>>>> (request forgery) tokens, and more.
>>>>> 2) Even if you prevent stolen tokens from being used outside of a web 
>>>>> client, XSS still allows the attacker to force a user to make any request 
>>>>> in a fraudulent way, abusing browser based tokens as a form of request 
>>>>> forgery.
>>>>> 3) There are advanced measures to stop a token from being stolen from a 
>>>>> web client, like a HTTPonly cookies and to a lesser degree, JS Closures 
>>>>> and Webworkers. 
>>>>> 4) However, these measures to protect cookies are mostly moot. Attackers 
>>>>> can just force clients to make fraudulent requests.
>>>>> 5) Many recommend the BFF pattern to hide tokens on the back end, but 
>>>>> still, request forgery via XSS allows all kinds of abuse.
>>>>> XSS is game over no matter how you slice it.
>>>>> Crypto solutions do not help. Perhaps the world of OAuth can start 
>>>>> suggesting that web clients use CSP 3.0 in specific ways, if you still 
>>>>> plan to support Implicit type flows or tokens in browsers?
>>>>> Respectfully,
>>>>> - Jim
>>>>> On 12/9/20 12:57 PM, Brian Campbell wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Philippe, I very much concur with your line of reasoning and the 
>>>>>> important considerations. The scenario I was thinking of is: browser 
>>>>>> based client where XSS is used to exfiltrate the refresh token along 
>>>>>> with pre-computed proofs that would allow for the RT to be exchanged for 
>>>>>> new access tokens and also pre-computed proofs that would work with 
>>>>>> those access tokens for resource access. With the pre-computed proofs 
>>>>>> that would allow prolonged (as long as the RT is valid) access to 
>>>>>> protected resources even when the victim is offline. Is that a concrete 
>>>>>> attack scenario? I mean, kind of. It's pretty convoluted/complex. And 
>>>>>> while an access token hash would reign it in somewhat (ATs obtained from 
>>>>>> the stolen RT wouldn't be usable) it's hard to say if the cost is worth 
>>>>>> the benefit.
>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 11:47 PM Philippe De Ryck 
>>>>>> <phili...@pragmaticwebsecurity.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Yeah, browser-based apps are pure fun, aren’t they? :)
>>>>>>> The reason I covered a couple of (pessimistic) XSS scenarios is that 
>>>>>>> the discussion started with an assumption that the attacker already 
>>>>>>> successfully exploited an XSS vulnerability. I pointed out how, at that 
>>>>>>> point, finetuning DPoP proof contents will have little to no effect to 
>>>>>>> stop an attack. I believe it is important to make this very clear, to 
>>>>>>> avoid people turning to DPoP as a security mechanism for browser-based 
>>>>>>> applications.
>>>>>>> Specifically to your question on including the hash in the proof, I 
>>>>>>> think these considerations are important:
>>>>>>> 1. Does the inclusion of the AT hash stop a concrete attack scenario?
>>>>>>> 2. Is the “cost” (implementation, getting it right, …) worth the 
>>>>>>> benefits?
>>>>>>> Here’s my view on these considerations (specifically for browser-based 
>>>>>>> apps, not for other types of applications):
>>>>>>> 1. The proof precomputation attack is already quite complex, and short 
>>>>>>> access token lifetimes already reduce the window of attack. If the 
>>>>>>> attacker can steal a future AT, they could also precompute new proofs 
>>>>>>> then. 
>>>>>>> 2. For browser-based apps, it seems that doing this complicates the 
>>>>>>> implementation, without adding much benefit. Of course, libraries could 
>>>>>>> handle this, which significantly reduces the cost. 
>>>>>>> Note that these comments are specifically to complicating the spec and 
>>>>>>> implementation. DPoP’s capabilities of using sender-constrained access 
>>>>>>> tokens are still useful to counter various other scenarios (e.g., 
>>>>>>> middleboxes or APIs abusing access tokens). If other applications would 
>>>>>>> significantly benefit from having the hash in the proof, I’m all for it.
>>>>>>> On a final note, I would be happy to help clear up the details on 
>>>>>>> web-based threats and defenses if necessary.
>>>>>>> —
>>>>>>> Pragmatic Web Security
>>>>>>> Security for developers
>>>>>>> https://pragmaticwebsecurity.com/
>>>>>>>> On 8 Dec 2020, at 22:47, Brian Campbell <bcampb...@pingidentity.com> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Danial recently added some text to the working copy of the draft with 
>>>>>>>> https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/commit/f4b42058 that I think 
>>>>>>>> aims to better convey the "nutshell: XSS = Game over" sentiment and 
>>>>>>>> maybe dissuade folks from looking to DPoP as a cure-all for browser 
>>>>>>>> based applications. Admittedly a lot of the initial impetus behind 
>>>>>>>> producing the draft in the first place was born out of discussions 
>>>>>>>> around browser based apps. But it's neither specific to browser based 
>>>>>>>> apps nor a panacea for them. I hope the language in the document and 
>>>>>>>> how it's recently been presented is reflective of that reality. 
>>>>>>>> The more specific discussions/recommendations around in-browser apps 
>>>>>>>> are valuable (if somewhat over my head) but might be more appropriate 
>>>>>>>> in the OAuth 2.0 for Browser-Based Apps draft.
>>>>>>>> With respect to the contents of the DPoP draft, I am still keen to try 
>>>>>>>> and flush out some consensus around the question posed in the start of 
>>>>>>>> this thread, which is effectively whether or not to include a hash of 
>>>>>>>> the access token in the proof.  Acknowledging that "XSS = Game over" 
>>>>>>>> does sort of evoke a tendency to not even bother with such incremental 
>>>>>>>> protections (what I've tried to humorously coin as "XSS Nihilism" with 
>>>>>>>> no success). And as such, I do think that leaving it how it is (no AT 
>>>>>>>> hash in the proof) is not unreasonable. But, as Filip previously 
>>>>>>>> articulated, including the AT hash in the proof would prevent 
>>>>>>>> potentially prolonged access to protected resources even when the 
>>>>>>>> victim is offline. And that seems maybe worthwhile to have in the 
>>>>>>>> protocol, given that it's not a huge change to the spec. But it's a 
>>>>>>>> trade-off either way and I'm personally on the fence about it.
>>>>>>>> Including an RT hash in the proof seems more niche. Best I can tell, 
>>>>>>>> it would guard against prolonged offline access to protected resources 
>>>>>>>> when access tokens are bearer and the RT was DPoP-bound and also gets 
>>>>>>>> rotated. The trade-off there seems less worth it (I think an RT hash 
>>>>>>>> would be more awkward in the protocol too). 
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 5:40 AM Philippe De Ryck 
>>>>>>>> <phili...@pragmaticwebsecurity.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> The suggestion to use a web worker to ensure that proofs cannot be 
>>>>>>>>>> pre-computed is a good one I think. (You could also use a sandboxed 
>>>>>>>>>> iframe for a separate sub/sibling-domain - dpop.example.com).
>>>>>>>>> An iframe with a different origin would also work (not really 
>>>>>>>>> sandboxing, as that implies the use of the sandbox attribute to 
>>>>>>>>> enforce behavioral restrictions). The downside of an iframe is the 
>>>>>>>>> need to host additional HTML, vs a script file for the worker, but 
>>>>>>>>> the effect is indeed the same.
>>>>>>>>>> For scenario 4, I think this only works if the attacker can 
>>>>>>>>>> trick/spoof the AS into using their redirect_uri? Otherwise the AC 
>>>>>>>>>> will go to the legitimate app which will reject it due to mismatched 
>>>>>>>>>> state/PKCE. Or are you thinking of XSS on the redirect_uri itself? I 
>>>>>>>>>> think probably a good practice is that the target of a redirect_uri 
>>>>>>>>>> should be a very minimal and locked down page to avoid this kind of 
>>>>>>>>>> possibility. (Again, using a separate sub-domain to handle tokens 
>>>>>>>>>> and DPoP seems like a good idea).
>>>>>>>>> My original thought was to use a silent flow with Web Messaging. The 
>>>>>>>>> scenario would go as follows:
>>>>>>>>> 1. Setup a Web Messaging listener to receive the incoming code
>>>>>>>>> 2. Create a hidden iframe with the DOM APIs
>>>>>>>>> 3. Create an authorization request such as 
>>>>>>>>> “/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=...&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%example.com&state=...&code_challenge=7-ffnU1EzHtMfxOAdlkp_WixnAM_z9tMh3JxgjazXAk&code_challenge_method=S256&prompt=none&response_mode=web_message”
>>>>>>>>> 4. Load this URL in the iframe, and wait for the result
>>>>>>>>> 5. Retrieve code in the listener, and use PKCE (+ DPoP if needed) to 
>>>>>>>>> exchange it for tokens
>>>>>>>>> This puts the attacker in full control over every aspect of the flow, 
>>>>>>>>> so no need to manipulate any of the parameters.
>>>>>>>>> After your comment, I also believe an attacker can run the same 
>>>>>>>>> scenario without the “response_mode=web_message”. This would go as 
>>>>>>>>> follows:
>>>>>>>>> 1. Create a hidden iframe with the DOM APIs
>>>>>>>>> 2. Setup polling to read the URL (this will be possible for 
>>>>>>>>> same-origin pages, not for cross-origin pages)
>>>>>>>>> 3. Create an authorization request such as 
>>>>>>>>> “/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=...&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%example.com&state=...&code_challenge=7-ffnU1EzHtMfxOAdlkp_WixnAM_z9tMh3JxgjazXAk&code_challenge_method=S256”
>>>>>>>>> 4. Load this URL in the iframe, and keep polling
>>>>>>>>> 5. Detect the redirect back to the application with the code in the 
>>>>>>>>> URL, retrieve code, and use PKCE (+ DPoP if needed) to exchange it 
>>>>>>>>> for tokens
>>>>>>>>> In step 5, the application is likely to also try to exchange the 
>>>>>>>>> code. This will fail due to a mismatching PKCE verifier. While noisy, 
>>>>>>>>> I don’t think it affects the scenario. 
>>>>>>>>>> IMO, the online attack scenario (i.e., proxying malicious requests 
>>>>>>>>>> through the victim’s browser) is quite appealing to an attacker, 
>>>>>>>>>> despite the apparent inconvenience:
>>>>>>>>>>  - the victim’s browser may be inside a corporate firewall or VPN, 
>>>>>>>>>> allowing the attacker to effectively bypass these restrictions
>>>>>>>>>>  - the attacker’s traffic is mixed in with the user’s own requests, 
>>>>>>>>>> making them harder to distinguish or to block
>>>>>>>>>> Overall, DPoP can only protect against XSS to the same level as 
>>>>>>>>>> HttpOnly cookies. This is not nothing, but it means it only prevents 
>>>>>>>>>> relatively naive attacks. Given the association of public key 
>>>>>>>>>> signatures with strong authentication, people may have overinflated 
>>>>>>>>>> expectations if DPoP is pitched as an XSS defence.
>>>>>>>>> Yes, in the cookie world this is known as “Session Riding”. Having 
>>>>>>>>> the worker for token isolation would make it possible to enforce a 
>>>>>>>>> coarse-grained policy on outgoing requests to prevent total abuse of 
>>>>>>>>> the AT.
>>>>>>>>> My main concern here is the effort of doing DPoP in a browser versus 
>>>>>>>>> the limited gains. It may also give a false sense of security. 
>>>>>>>>> With all this said, I believe that the AS can lock down its 
>>>>>>>>> configuration to reduce these attack vectors. A few initial ideas:
>>>>>>>>> 1. Disable silent flows for SPAs using RT rotation
>>>>>>>>> 2. Use the sec-fetch headers to detect and reject non-silent 
>>>>>>>>> iframe-based flows
>>>>>>>>> For example,  an OAuth 2.0 flow in an iframe in Brave/Chrome carries 
>>>>>>>>> these headers:
>>>>>>>>> sec-fetch-dest: iframe
>>>>>>>>> sec-fetch-mode: navigate
>>>>>>>>> sec-fetch-site: cross-site
>>>>>>>>> sec-fetch-user: ?1
>>>>>>>>> Philippe
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>>>>>> OAuth mailing list
>>>>>> OAuth@ietf.org
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>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Jim Manico
>>>>> Manicode Security
>>>>> https://www.manicode.com
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