Parts of the text in section 4 capture discussions of potential solutions and 
reasons why we decided in favor of a certain solution. I think this will be 
useful in the future and it has already proven useful for me, e.g. in the 
recent discussions around PoP vs audience restriction.

> Am 25.11.2019 um 21:55 schrieb Aaron Parecki <>:
> +1, I'm only comfortable making recommendations in this BCP if they
> are in fact, the best current practice. In my mind that means nothing
> aspirational, only things that are well established and that people
> can act on today.
> ----
> Aaron Parecki
>> On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 12:50 PM Daniel Fett <> wrote:
>> +1. We should only discuss solutions if we would be okay with people 
>> actually implementing them. (See also my feedback to Guido's review.)
>> -Daniel
>> Am 25. November 2019 20:41:45 MEZ schrieb Brian Campbell 
>> <>:
>>> On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 11:46 PM Benjamin Kaduk <> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 03:40:34AM +0000, Mike Jones wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>>> Metadata - This section suggests the use of a "resource_servers" 
>>>>> metadata value.  This isn't defined by RFC 8414 nor do I see it the IANA 
>>>>> OAuth Authorization Server Metadata registry at 
>>>>>   Is this something that's been standardized elsewhere?  If so, please 
>>>>> add a citation.  If not, please clearly say that this metadata value is 
>>>>> not standardized, and is therefore unlikely to be interoperable.
>>>> I would go further and say that we should not document "best practices"
>>>> that involve non-standardized values.
>>>>> Metadata - This section suggests the use a 
>>>>> "access_token_resource_server" token response value.  Please likewise 
>>>>> clearly say that this parameter isn't a standard.
>>>> (ditto)
>>> The document has a number of occurrences similar to these where a 
>>> particular solution is discussed even though it's not been standardized 
>>> and/or isn't actually a recommendation of the document. Such discussions 
>>> can instructive and have valuable information. But I wonder if it might be 
>>> more appropriate to omit them from the BCP? When the document is read and 
>>> understood in its full context, I do think the scope and intent of such 
>>> discussions are made reasonably clear. However, they could be pretty easily 
>>> misunderstood by someone just reading individual subsections or from citing 
>>> parts of the document text without the larger context. I guess I'm 
>>> thinking/suggesting that it'd be better if the BCP only focused on the 
>>> actionable recommendations it is making. And omit background type 
>>> discussion of alternative approaches that didn't get used for whatever 
>>> reason. Or, if they do stay in the document, de-emphasize them even further 
>>> like maybe moving them into an appendix rather than the main body of the 
>>> doc.
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>>> by e-mail and delete the message and any file attachments from your 
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