On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 11:46 PM Benjamin Kaduk <ka...@mit.edu> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 03:40:34AM +0000, Mike Jones wrote:
> >
> [...]
> >
> > Metadata - This section suggests the use of a
> "resource_servers" metadata value.  This isn't defined by RFC 8414 nor do I
> see it the IANA OAuth Authorization Server Metadata registry at
> https://www.iana.org/assignments/oauth-parameters/oauth-parameters.xhtml#authorization-server-metadata.
> Is this something that's been standardized elsewhere?  If so, please add a
> citation.  If not, please clearly say that this metadata value is not
> standardized, and is therefore unlikely to be interoperable.
> I would go further and say that we should not document "best practices"
> that involve non-standardized values.
> > Metadata - This section suggests the use a
> "access_token_resource_server" token response value.  Please likewise
> clearly say that this parameter isn't a standard.
> (ditto)

The document has a number of occurrences similar to these where a
particular solution is discussed even though it's not been standardized
and/or isn't actually a recommendation of the document. Such discussions
can instructive and have valuable information. But I wonder if it might be
more appropriate to omit them from the BCP? When the document is read and
understood in its full context, I do think the scope and intent of such
discussions are made reasonably clear. However, they could be pretty easily
misunderstood by someone just reading individual subsections or from citing
parts of the document text without the larger context. I guess I'm
thinking/suggesting that it'd be better if the BCP only focused on the
actionable recommendations it is making. And omit background type
discussion of alternative approaches that didn't get used for whatever
reason. Or, if they do stay in the document, de-emphasize them even further
like maybe moving them into an appendix rather than the main body of the

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