Thank you both for your replies, my responses are below:

On 20 Jul 2019, at 19:54, David Waite <> wrote:
>> On Jul 20, 2019, at 12:38 PM, Leo Tohill <> wrote:
>> Access tokens and refresh tokens, stored browser-side, are equally 
>> vulnerable to theft, because the storage options are identical. 
>> We are more concerned about the theft of the refresh token, because it 
>> (commonly) has a longer usable lifetime than the access token. 
>> Still , its a matter of degree. Since we accept the risk of access token 
>> theft,  why can't we accept the risk of refresh token theft?  We ameliorate 
>> the access token risk by using short lifetimes, but there is no standard for 
>> that value: it is situational.  Why doesn't the same reasoning apply to 
>> refresh tokens? 
>> This reasoning assumes that refresh tokens also have a limited lifetime.  I 
>> am unsure that this is always the case.  When one uses a refresh token to 
>> acquire a new access token, AND that operation issues a new refresh token, 
>> does the new refresh token get a new lifetime?  If so, then a refresh token 
>> can be used to retain access infinitely (or until it is revoked 
>> server-side).  In this scenario, the risks associated with browser-side 
>> storage of refresh token are much higher. 
>> In summary, I'd say that IF the lifetime of a refresh token can be limited, 
>> then refresh tokens pose identical risk as access tokens, and so the same 
>> considerations apply. 
> Agreed
> I think there is an unwritten framework for evaluating the security of all 
> tokens, regardless of type. For example: access tokens are shared with 
> resources, so their security protections in the Security BCP including 
> limiting replay against other resources, and optionally against new requests 
> against the same resource.
> Because it is complex and unwritten, it is hard to do a true evaluation. My 
> impression was always that refresh tokens were more ‘risky’ for public 
> clients because “offline” refresh tokens may be good for an indeterminate 
> period of time, and because lack of credentials means theft of the token is 
> sufficient.

Access tokens (without PoP) are also usable without credentials, so this is not 
a reason why refresh tokens are more risky. From the responses, it appears that 
token lifetime is the primary concern - access tokens usually have a limited 
lifespan but refresh tokens are unlimited. But there are very few threats that 
are eliminated by short token lifetimes. For example, when somebody goes for a 
coffee leaving their computer or phone unlocked. But even in these cases you 
are normally concerned with idle-timeouts rather than overall token lifetime. 
The token should become invalid after 3 minutes of inactivity, for example.

> In addition, a public client which does not use its refresh token in an 
> “offline” manner may have theft go unnoticed for a considerable period of 
> time, and the operational model of public clients usually puts detection of 
> local token theft in the hand of the end user and client software, not an 
> administrator or organizational security staff.

Given that a refresh token has to be used at the AS, isn't the situation here 
*better* for refresh tokens? Every time an attacker uses a stolen refresh token 
you get a nice ping against your centralised token endpoint, giving you a great 
opportunity to run contextual checks to decide if something looks fishy. 

> But those concerns are mostly mitigated if the OP can set policy to control 
> refresh token usage in concert with the authentication session.

I'm not sure that OAuth should tie itself to a concept of authentication 
session. Would it be better to say that all tokens issued to browser-based 
clients should have a short idle timeout?

There's also a privacy aspect to linking refresh tokens to a user's 
authentication session, as it gives the 3rd-party client a way to detect when 
you are/are not logged into Facebook or whatever. That may be desirable in some 
cases, but not necessarily always. 

-- Neil
OAuth mailing list

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