I believe that access tokens and any refresh token policy should be guided by 
the user authentication process and session lifetime policy of the AS.

There’s a case to be made that whether someone gets access to my access token 
directly or a refresh token that allows someone to grant a new access token, 
they have still gotten access to protected resources.

The case could be made that refresh tokens however are made more powerful by 
dynamic features:
- requesting an access token with additional scopes
- requesting an access token targeting a new audience/resource (via either 
scopes-as-resources, or directly with resource indicators)

However, the client has already been granted these scopes or resource access in 
this theoretical case, so I could just as easily attempt to gather such an 
access token through the authorization endpoint and code exchange.

So as general points of guidance, how about:
- Refresh tokens serve the same purpose as in general OAuth
- For applications which represent access as part of a user session, access and 
refresh tokens lifetimes and policy should mirror that session.
- Specifically, an AS should not grant “offline” refresh tokens meant to 
provide access for an unfixed/extended period of time, as the resource owner 
may expect other users of the browser would not get access to protected 
- It is recommended that an AS requires refresh tokens grants to be 
authenticated to a client instance, be it via a unique client identity through 
DCR, or ephemerally through a proof-of-possession mechanism (token binding, 
mtls, dpop)
- Other security BCP stuff should apply.


> On Jul 19, 2019, at 5:49 PM, Aaron Parecki <aa...@parecki.com> wrote:
> So what I'm hearing in this thread is essentially that:
> 1) depending on how it's implemented, using a refresh token in a SPA can 
> provide security benefits over using only access tokens
> 2) it is still "dangerous" to allow refresh tokens to be used without client 
> authentication
> 3) if there is a way to do some sort of dynamic client registration or proof 
> of possession, then using a refresh token would in fact be more secure
> Since these points are in conflict with each other, and depend on things 
> currently in flux, it seems like the best thing to do at this time is to 
> remove the guidance on refresh tokens in browser-based apps. Maybe leaving 
> the mention of rotating the refresh token on every use, but I'm inclined to 
> remove the "SHOULD NOT issue refresh tokens" statement in order to leave room 
> for DPoP or similar in the future.
> Sound reasonable?
> ----
> Aaron Parecki
> aaronparecki.com <http://aaronparecki.com/>
> @aaronpk <http://twitter.com/aaronpk>
> On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 2:52 PM George Fletcher <gffle...@aol.com 
> <mailto:gffle...@aol.com>> wrote:
> You are correct that client authentication is not required for public clients 
> (which doesn't preclude the use of refresh_tokens) but from my perspective it 
> weakens the security because anyone with the refresh_token is able to get new 
> access_tokens without any additional proof.
> Now if the SPA performs some sort of Dynamic Client Registration or DPoP then 
> I think it's a completely different scenario and it doesn't bother me as much 
> for their to be refresh_tokens in the browser. This of course is just my 
> perspective:)
> On 7/10/19 7:56 PM, Aaron Parecki wrote:
>> 2. To use a refresh token at the /token endpoint, client authentication is 
>> required. This is where it gets difficult for default SPAs because they are 
>> public clients and the only mechanism to authenticate them is the client_id 
>> which is itself public. For me, this is the real risk of exposing the 
>> refresh_token in the browser.??
>> RFC6749 says "If the client type is confidential or??the client was issued 
>> client credentials,??the client MUST authenticate..." which I take to mean 
>> that refresh tokens could be used without a client_secret, both for native 
>> an javascript apps.
>> This discussion of offline vs online refresh tokens is interesting, but I 
>> worry that we may be narrowing our focus here too much.
>> There's a use where JavaScript apps may be able to take advantage of offline 
>> access, which is around Service Workers. This allows a website to install 
>> some code from a website which can continue to run in the background, though 
>> sometimes only while triggered from external events. One useful example of 
>> this is a syncing daemon, where a push notification can be sent from a web 
>> server to a Service Worker, which could cause that code in the browser to 
>> need to make a request to an API, which then may need to be able to get a 
>> new access token, which is effectively offline access.
>> ----
>> Aaron Parecki
>> aaronparecki.com <http://aaronparecki.com/>
>> @aaronpk <http://twitter.com/aaronpk>
>> On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 9:16 AM George Fletcher 
>> <gffletch=40aol....@dmarc.ietf.org <mailto:40aol....@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:
>> I'll just add a couple more thoughts around refresh_tokens.
>> 1. I agree with David that refresh_tokens are valuable in an "online" 
>> scenario and should be used there.
>> 2. To use a refresh token at the /token endpoint, client authentication is 
>> required. This is where it gets difficult for default SPAs because they are 
>> public clients and the only mechanism to authenticate them is the client_id 
>> which is itself public. For me, this is the real risk of exposing the 
>> refresh_token in the browser. 
>> 3. If the AS supports rotation of refresh_tokens and an attacker steals one 
>> and uses it, then the SPA will get an error on it's next attempt because 
>> it's refresh_token will now be invalid. If the refresh_tokens are bound to 
>> the user's authentication session, then the user can logout to lockout the 
>> attacker. However, that is a lot of "ifs" and still provides the attacker 
>> with time to leverage access via the compromised refresh_token.
>> In principle, I agree with the recommendation that SPAs shouldn't have 
>> refresh_tokens in the browser. If it's not possible to easily refresh the 
>> access token via a hidden iframe (becoming more difficult with all the 
>> browser/privacy cookie changes. e.g. ITP2.X) then I'd recommend to use a 
>> simple server component such that the backend for the SPA can use 
>> authorization_code flow and protect a client_secret.
>> Thanks,
>> George
>> On 7/8/19 11:17 PM, David Waite wrote:
>>>> On Jul 8, 2019, at 7:10 PM, Leo Tohill <leotoh...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:leotoh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Re 8. Refresh Tokens
>>>> ???? "For public clients, the risk of a leaked refresh token is much
>>>> ?? ??greater than leaked access tokens, since an attacker can potentially
>>>> ?? ??continue using the stolen refresh token to obtain new access without
>>>> ?? ??being detectable by the authorization server.?? "
>>>> (first, note the typo "stoken".)
>>>> Is it always "higher risk"??? I could even argue that leakage of a refresh 
>>>> token is lower risk. As a bearer document, a leaked access token allows 
>>>> access to resources until it expires.?? A leaked refresh token, to be 
>>>> useful,?? requires an exchange with the AS, and the AS would have the 
>>>> opportunity to check whether the refresh token is still valid (has not 
>>>> been revoked).?? (of course revocation might NOT have happened, but then 
>>>> again, it might have.) 
>>> I agree (with caveats, of course).
>>> Access tokens and refresh tokens may or may not be attached (by policy) to 
>>> an authentication session lifetime. It is far easier to picture refresh 
>>> tokens which are not attached to an authentication session (sometimes 
>>> called ???offline??? access) being inappropriate for a browser-based app, 
>>> which is nearly always a client that the resource owner is interacting with.
>>> Variants that may want offline tokens are less easy to imagine - perhaps 
>>> browser extensions?
>>> I believe the language currently there is due to AS implementations 
>>> predominantly treating refresh tokens as being for offline access, and 
>>> access token lifetime being short enough to not outlast an authentication 
>>> session.
>>>> Furthermore, since the access token is transmitted to other servers, the 
>>>> risk of exposure is greater, due to possible vulnerabilities in those 
>>>> called systems (e.g., logs).?? Isn't this the reason that we have refresh 
>>>> tokens? Don't refresh tokens exist because access tokens should have short 
>>>> TTL, because they are widely distributed?
>>> Yes. Once you acknowledge the existence of ???online??? refresh tokens, 
>>> they become a strong security component:
>>> - Refresh tokens let you shorten the access token lifetime
>>> - A shorter access token lifetime lets you have centralized policy to 
>>> invalidate access without needing to resort to token 
>>> introspection/revocation
>>> - Token refresh can theoretically be used to represent other policy changes 
>>> by both the client (creating tokens targeting a new resource server or with 
>>> reduced scopes) and server (changing entitlements and attributes/claims 
>>> embedded within a structured token)
>>> - Refresh tokens can be one-time-use, as recommenced by the security BCP. A 
>>> exfiltrated refresh token will result in either the attacker or the user 
>>> losing access on the next refresh, and a double refresh is a detectable 
>>> security event by the AS.
>>>> "Additionally, browser-based applications provide many attack vectors by 
>>>> which a refresh token can be leaked."
>>>> The risks of leaking a refresh token from the browser are identical to the 
>>>> risks of leaking an access token, right??? This sentence could be changed 
>>>> to "... by which a token can be leaked."
>>>> A refresh token is "higher risk" because its TTL is usually greater than 
>>>> the access token's TTL.?? But if our advice here leads to people using 
>>>> longer-lived access tokens (because of the problems with getting a new 
>>>> access token without involving the user), then the advice will be counter 
>>>> productive.???? The longer life gives more time for the usefulness of a 
>>>> browser-side theft, and more time for the usefulness of a server-side 
>>>> theft.?? 
>>>> Which scenario is safer?
>>>> A) using an access token with a 10 minute TTL, accompanied by a refresh 
>>>> token with a 1 hour TTL
>>>> B) using an access token with a 1 hour TTL, and no refresh token.??
>>> Given tokens that track authentication lifetime, it is hard to make a case 
>>> that refresh tokens which last for the authentication session are a greater 
>>> security risk than opaque access tokens (requiring token introspection) 
>>> that will last the same time.??
>>> Typically an AS (or OP) would issue a structured access token with a 
>>> lifetime expected to expire before the authentication session, with new 
>>> tokens issued via requests made in an embedded, iframe (hidden, 
>>> prompt=none). There may be benefits here of user cookies (or perhaps 
>>> managed-device information) against an authorization endpoint being used to 
>>> make decisions that could not be made by a refresh against the token 
>>> endpoint.??
>>> I???d be interested in hearing how strong of an implementation issue this 
>>> might be for deployments - I could see a non-security argument that the BCP 
>>> should only have one recommended approach here, and that there are 
>>> deployments needing the iframe approach.
>>> -DW
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