Hi Carsten,
        I didn't see any specific issues.  I'm trying to understand where the 
RFC stands, and why or why not it might be smart to implement and use it as it 
stands.  My primary concern is compatibility with any anticipated changes to 
the RFC in advance of wide acceptance.


Hi Robert,

This raises the $64000 question: What piece of information made you consider 
that this draft might need more help?  Maybe there is some miscommunication 
that we can fix.

Grüße, Carsten

> On Apr 3, 2019, at 12:14, Robert Lembree 
> <Robert.Lembree=40se....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> Hello folks,
>                 What is the status of RFC 7800?  We’re finding the need for 
> this, and wonder what we might be able to do to help move this along?
> Regards,
> rob
> --
> Robert Lembrée
> Lead Cybersecurity Architect
> Innovation & Technology
> Industrial Automation Business
> Schneider Electric
> D  +1 978 975 9971
> M  +1 603 494 0559
> E  robert.lemb...@se.com
> 800 Federal St.
> 3W-WS179
> Andover, MA 01810
> United States
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