Hi Robert,

the work on RFC 7800 has been completed from the point of view of the OAuth 
working group.

As Ludwig mentioned below, it is being used by other working groups in the IETF 
but also by companies as-is.
Even in the OAuth working group we have other documents that build on top of 
it, such as draft-ietf-oauth-mtls.


-----Original Message-----
From: OAuth <oauth-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Ludwig Seitz
Sent: Montag, 8. April 2019 08:35
To: oauth@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Question regarding RFC 7800

On 03/04/2019 12:14, Robert Lembree wrote:
> Hello folks,
>                  What is the status of RFC 7800?  We're finding the
> need for this, and wonder what we might be able to do to help move this along?
> Regards,
> rob

If I may be so bold to drop a shameless plug for the ACE WG here [1]. As you 
are working with Schneider Electric, the work in ACE (based on OAuth, but for 
Contrained Environments) might be more relevant for you.

We have adopted a constrained profile of RFC 7800 (among other things):



[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/ace/documents/

Ludwig Seitz, PhD
Security Lab, RISE
Phone +46(0)70-349 92 51

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