In the upcoming revision of the draft I've reworked and moved that section
[1] so that it is more focused on public clients and certificate bound
tokens (see [a]). But yes, I think it comes down to saying that a client
that is expecting to use MTLS (for whatever reason: bound tokens or client
auth or both) for something would use the mtls-specific endpoint when
making the request (or the regular endpoint, if no mtls-specific endpoint
is present).  And yeah the AS would accept other client auth methods
(including none for public clients) at the mtls token endpoint. Maybe a
hundred messages back in this whole thread, at one point anyway, I used the
word alias for the endpoint to try and capture the idea that it would most
likely be the same application logic and the mtls endpoint would just be on
a different host/port to allow the TLS layer to be set up differently for
the different context. Maybe that name and/or idea should resurface?


On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 1:33 PM Neil Madden <>

> As another case - if the client wants certificate-bound access tokens but
> still authenticates with client_secret_basic or is a public client (as per
> [1]), presumably it can use the mtls-specific endpoints and assume they
> support all the other authentication methods as the normal endpoints?
> But so long as we can define some half-sensible behaviour for these cases,
> I’m happy with this proposal.
> [1]

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