
Apologies for any confusion. I agree with you totally. 

I was trying to say the pointer is necessary for tls infrastructure agility.  

I disagreed with Dominick in this case. The supposed complexity reflects real 
world variability we have to deal with in both browsers and serverless cloud 
infrastructure components. 

That said Dominick I agree with the principle that optionality often creates 
complexity and security risks. 


> On Feb 14, 2019, at 3:08 PM, Brian Campbell <> 
> wrote:
> Maybe I'm wrong here (it's never out of the question) but based on this 
> previous message and this one I believe that actually you are both in favor 
> (generally anyway) of the proposal with the optional "mtls_endpoints" 
> parameter. While I believe that the comment about optionality and complexity 
> was meant to be a more general remark. While I can certainly appreciate a 
> desire to keep things simple, I do regret that this thread took a turn 
> towards personal. Whether it was the intent or not, there's an impact. 
>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 10:20 AM Phil Hunt <> wrote:
>> I feel I have to disagree.  I agree that optionality is often complexity and 
>> should be avoided. But, I think the optionality here is an agility feature 
>> allowing mtls to work across a diversified market of different types of tls 
>> terminators with varying capability. Lack of appropriate discovery/options 
>> could serve to make the spec unusable in many cases.  
>> A complicating factor with tls is that a tls layer failure prevents the AS 
>> from issuing a correcting directive like an http error or http redirect. 
>> We have to be sure not to break existing clients so we may in some cases 
>> need mtls only endpoints. I am not far enough along to know for sure. But I 
>> tend to agree with Brian on this. 
>> This may be a sign we need more implementation data (including from tls wg) 
>> to make the right call. 
>> Phil
>>> On Feb 14, 2019, at 8:56 AM, Dominick Baier <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Sorry - this was not meant to be snide at all.
>>> It was honest feedback that you also need to keep software complexity in 
>>> mind when creating a spec. Every MAY or OPTIONAL, or do it like this OR 
>>> that, or send values in arbitrary order adds to complexity. Complexity is 
>>> the natural enemy of security.
>>> Cheers 
>>> ———
>>> Dominick
>>>> On 13. February 2019 at 20:39:16, Richard Backman, Annabelle 
>>>> ( wrote:
>>>> The issue is that the proposal violates the standard by changing the 
>>>> semantics of a parameter it defines. We should be very, very, VERY careful 
>>>> about telling implementers to violate an existing standard.. This change 
>>>> might prove incompatible with existing or future implementations of 8414, 
>>>> it might not, but by violating the standard the proposal creates an 
>>>> opportunity for incompatibility that didn’t exist before.
>>>> As far as simplicity is concerned, I find a solution that reuses the 
>>>> existing data model and naturally supports existing and future extensions 
>>>> to be far simpler than one that introduces ambiguous semantics to existing 
>>>> parameters. Generally speaking, data models with properties that mean 
>>>> different things in different contexts tend to be fragile and require more 
>>>> complex code to work with. But that’s just my experience as, you know, an 
>>>> actual developer.
>>>> Let’s keep the assumptions and snide remarks about others’ backgrounds off 
>>>> the list, please.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Annabelle Richard Backman
>>>> AWS Identity
>>>> From: Dominick Baier <>
>>>> Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 4:18 AM
>>>> To: "Richard Backman, Annabelle" <>, Filip Skokan 
>>>> <>
>>>> Cc: Brian Campbell <>, "Richard Backman, 
>>>> Annabelle" <>, oauth <>
>>>> Subject: [UNVERIFIED SENDER] Re: [OAUTH-WG] MTLS token endoint & discovery
>>>> I am for keeping it simple and not introducing another link to follow.
>>>> I sometimes wonder how many of the spec authors are actually developers - 
>>>> these suggestions make software unnecessary complex ;)
>>>> ———
>>>> Dominick
>>>> On 13. February 2019 at 12:25:13, Filip Skokan ( wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Additionally, a metadata document that omits token_endpoint in favor of 
>>>> mtls_endpoints since only mTLS is supported would violate 8414, as 8414 
>>>> says token_endpoint “is REQUIRED unless only the implicit grant type is 
>>>> supported.”
>>>> mtls only AS doesn't get anything out of using mtls_endpoints, its use 
>>>> should not be recommended for such AS and regular endpoints will be used, 
>>>> this satisfies the requirement
>>>> Here is one example, based on my understanding of the “straw man” format 
>>>> presented in this thread: RFC8414 defines the value of 
>>>> token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported as a “JSON array containing a list 
>>>> of client authentication methods supported by this token endpoint.” If 
>>>> that array contains “tls_client_auth” and the endpoint specified in 
>>>> token_endpoint does not support mTLS, then that metadata violates 8414. 
>>>> You could address this by adding a token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported 
>>>> parameter to the mtls_endpoints object, and likewise for the other 
>>>> endpoints and auth methods. If you take that to its logical conclusion, 
>>>> you end up with a complete metadata document hanging off of 
>>>> mtls_endpoints. It’s that line of thought that led me to suggest just 
>>>> pointing to an alternate document.
>>>> Assuming we go with using the same root auth methods property, what's the 
>>>> issue? Clients not having mtls capabilities won't care about the 
>>>> additional method members being present. Clients that do implement mtls by 
>>>> the specification will know to look for mtls_endpoints and fall back to 
>>>> regular ones if the specific endpoint or mtls_endpoints root property is 
>>>> not present.
>>>> I gave `mtls_alternate_metadata` route a thought and don't see how it 
>>>> helps, given the two above are non-issues (my $.02) another discovery 
>>>> document only brings more of them since every property can now be 
>>>> different, not just the endpoints.
>>>> S pozdravem,
>>>> Filip Skokan
>>>> On Wed, 13 Feb 2019 at 00:00, Richard Backman, Annabelle 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Here is one example, based on my understanding of the “straw man” format 
>>>> presented in this thread: RFC8414 defines the value of 
>>>> token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported as a “JSON array containing a list 
>>>> of client authentication methods supported by this token endpoint.” If 
>>>> that array contains “tls_client_auth” and the endpoint specified in 
>>>> token_endpoint does not support mTLS, then that metadata violates 8414. 
>>>> You could address this by adding a token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported 
>>>> parameter to the mtls_endpoints object, and likewise for the other 
>>>> endpoints and auth methods. If you take that to its logical conclusion, 
>>>> you end up with a complete metadata document hanging off of 
>>>> mtls_endpoints. It’s that line of thought that led me to suggest just 
>>>> pointing to an alternate document.
>>>> Additionally, a metadata document that omits token_endpoint in favor of 
>>>> mtls_endpoints since only mTLS is supported would violate 8414, as 8414 
>>>> says token_endpoint “is REQUIRED unless only the implicit grant type is 
>>>> supported.”
>>>> It is possible to define the mtls_endpoints parameter such that the above 
>>>> use cases are invalid, but that does make the document more complicated.. 
>>>> If we go the “mtls_alternate_metadata” route, we can skip past all of 
>>>> these issues, because it brings us back to just parsing the same metadata 
>>>> that we do today.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Annabelle Richard Backman
>>>> AWS Identity
>>>> From: OAuth <> on behalf of Filip Skokan 
>>>> <>
>>>> Date: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 1:13 PM
>>>> To: "Richard Backman, Annabelle" <>
>>>> Cc: Brian Campbell <>, oauth 
>>>> <>
>>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] MTLS token endoint & discovery
>>>> Hi Annabelle,
>>>> can you elaborate what would be the violation / negative impact of usage 
>>>> of RFC8414?
>>>> As it already makes use of `signed_metadata` and this language is present 
>>>> ...
>>>> > Consumers of the metadata MAY ignore the signed metadata if they do not 
>>>> > support this feature.  If the consumer of the metadata supports signed 
>>>> > metadata, metadata values conveyed in the signed metadata MUST take 
>>>> > precedence over the corresponding values conveyed using plain JSON 
>>>> > elements.
>>>> ... would mtls_endpoints be any different? Clients are free to ignore this 
>>>> if they don't support/use mtls, and if they do those values must take 
>>>> precedence over the root ones. the use of mtls_endpoints would not be 
>>>> recommended for mtls-only AS but recommended for one with both 
>>>> mtls/regular authentication methods. token_endpoint remains required for 
>>>> all intents and purposes.. And as for the usable client authentication 
>>>> methods - they should all be listed, or do you think we should separate 
>>>> the ones for each hostname/port location? To what end? Is there a risk 
>>>> having the mtls hostname/port accepting regular requests? Other then 
>>>> secret/key _jwt auth methods assertion aud claim the endpoint location 
>>>> doesn't play a role in the authentication process.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Filip
>>>> On Tue, 12 Feb 2019 at 20:47, Richard Backman, Annabelle 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> I’m not opposed to introducing a metadata change, if the scenario is 
>>>> relevant and other approaches can’t adequately address it – and I’ll 
>>>> readily grant that we probably don’t want to depend on consistency of 
>>>> browser behavior at the intersection of client certificates and 
>>>> Access-Control-Allow-Credentials. But care needs to be taken in designing 
>>>> that metadata to avoid violating or otherwise negatively impacting usage 
>>>> of RFC8414.
>>>> Along those lines, instead of adding an “mtls_endpoints” metadata 
>>>> parameter, we could add an “mtls_alternate_metadata” parameter whose value 
>>>> is the URL of an alternate metadata document intended for clients using 
>>>> mTLS. An mTLS-optional AS could have two different metadata documents for 
>>>> mTLS and non-mTLS clients, reducing the mTLS-optional scenario to the 
>>>> mTLS-only scenario. This sidesteps the challenges of aligning the 
>>>> “either/or” semantics of mTLS-optional with some of the rigid parameter 
>>>> definitions in RFC8414 (see: token_endpoint, 
>>>> token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported).
>>>> -- 
>>>> Annabelle Richard Backman
>>>> AWS Identity
>>>> From: OAuth <> on behalf of Brian Campbell 
>>>> <>
>>>> Date: Tuesday, February 12, 2019 at 10:58 AM
>>>> To: Dominick Baier <>
>>>> Cc: oauth <>
>>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] MTLS token endoint & discovery
>>>> Thanks for the input, Dominick.
>>>> I'd said previously that I was having trouble adequately gauging whether 
>>>> or not there's sufficient consensus to go ahead with the update. I was 
>>>> even thinking of asking the chairs about a consensus call during the 
>>>> office hours meeting yesterday. But it got canceled. And looking again 
>>>> back over the discussion, I don't believe a consensus call is necessary. 
>>>> There's been a lot of general discussion over the last several weeks 
>>>> during which several folks have stated support for the proposal while 
>>>> there's been only one voice of direct dissent. That seems like rough 
>>>> enough consensus and, as such, I plan to make the change in the next 
>>>> revision of the document (which should be done soon). Chairs, please let 
>>>> me know, if you believe the situation warrants a different course of 
>>>> action.
>>>> On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 11:01 PM Dominick Baier 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> IMHO that’s a reasonable and pragmatic option.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> ———
>>>> Dominick
>>>> On 11. February 2019 at 13:26:37, Brian Campbell 
>>>> ( wrote:
>>>> It's been pointed out that the potential issue is not isolated to the just 
>>>> token endpoint but that revocation, introspection, etc. could be impacted 
>>>> as well. So,  at this point, the proposal on the table is to add a new 
>>>> optional AS metadata parameter named 'mtls_endpoints' that's value we be a 
>>>> JSON object which itself contains endpoints that, when present, a client 
>>>> doing MTLS would use rather than the regular endpoints.  A straw-man 
>>>> example might look like this
>>>> {
>>>>   "issuer":"";,
>>>>   "authorization_endpoint":"";,
>>>>   "token_endpoint":"";,
>>>>   "token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported":[  
>>>> "client_secret_basic","tls_client_auth", "none"],
>>>>   "userinfo_endpoint":"";,
>>>>   "revocation_endpoint":"";,
>>>>   "jwks_uri":"";,
>>>>   "mtls_endpoints":{
>>>>     "token_endpoint":"";,
>>>>     "userinfo_endpoint":"";,
>>>>     "revocation_endpoint":"";
>>>>   }
>>>> }
>>>> A client doing MTLS would look for and give precedence to an endpoint 
>>>> under "mtls_endpoints" while falling back to use the normal endpoint from 
>>>> the top level of metadata when/if its not in "mtls_endpoints".
>>>> The idea being that "regular" clients (those not doing MTLS) will use the 
>>>> regular endpoints. And only the host/port of the endpoints listed in 
>>>> mtls_endpoints will be set up to request TLS client certificates during 
>>>> handshake. Thus any potential impact of the CertificateRequest message 
>>>> being sent in the TLS handshake can be avoided for all the other regular 
>>>> clients that are not going to do MTLS - including and most importantly 
>>>> in-browser javascript clients where there can be less than desirable UI 
>>>> presented to the end-user..
>>>> I'm struggling, however, to adequately gauge whether or not there's 
>>>> sufficient consensus to go ahead with the update. There's been some 
>>>> support for it voiced. As well as talk of other approaches that could be 
>>>> alternatives or additional measures. And also some vocal opposition to it. 
>>>> On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 3:09 AM Dominick Baier <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> We are currently implementing MTLS in IdentityServer.
>>>> Our approach will be that we’ll offer a separate token endpoint that 
>>>> supports client certs. Are you planning on adding an official endpoint 
>>>> name for discovery? Right now we are using “mtls_token_endpoint”.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> ———
>>>> Dominick
>>>> On 7. February 2019 at 22:36:55, Brian Campbell 
>>>> ( wrote:
>>>> Ah yes, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying. And it is indeed a good 
>>>> reminder that even a seemingly innocuous change that should be backwards 
>>>> compatible can break things unexpectedly..
>>>> On Thu, Feb 7, 2019 at 8:57 AM Richard Backman, Annabelle 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> The case I’m referencing didn’t specifically involve AS metadata. We had 
>>>> clients in the wild that assumed that all the properties in the JSON 
>>>> object returned from our userinfo endpoint were scalar strings. This broke 
>>>> when we introduced a new property whose value was a JSON object. It was a 
>>>> good reminder that even a seemingly innocuous change that should be 
>>>> backwards compatible can force more work on clients than we expect.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Annabelle Richard Backman
>>>> AWS Identity
>>>> From: Brian Campbell <>
>>>> Date: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 11:30 AM
>>>> To: "Richard Backman, Annabelle" <>
>>>> Cc: "Richard Backman, Annabelle" <>, oauth 
>>>> <>
>>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] [UNVERIFIED SENDER] Re: MTLS and in-browser 
>>>> clients using the token endpoint
>>>> And I'm honestly really struggling to see what could have gone wrong with 
>>>> or how token_endpoint_auth_methods broke something with the user info 
>>>> endpoint. If you have the time and/or it'd be informative to this here 
>>>> little discussion, please explain that one a bit more.
>>>> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 12:15 PM Brian Campbell 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> "far" should have said "fair" in the previous message
>>>> On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 4:35 PM Brian Campbell <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> It may well be due to my own intellectual shortcomings but these 
>>>> issues/questions/confusion-points are not resonating for me as being 
>>>> problematic.
>>>> The more general stance of "this isn't needed or worth it in this 
>>>> document" (I think that's far?) is being heard though.
>>>> On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 1:42 PM Richard Backman, Annabelle 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> (TL;DR: punt AS metadata to a separate draft)
>>>> AS points #1-3 are all questions I would have as an implementer:
>>>> Section 2 of RFC8414 says token_endpoint “is REQUIRED unless only the 
>>>> implicit grant type is supported.” So what does the mTLS-only AS put here?
>>>> The claims for these other endpoints are OPTIONAL, potentially leading to 
>>>> inconsistency depending on how #1 gets decided.
>>>> The example usage of the token_endpoint_auth_methods property given 
>>>> earlier is incompatible with RFC8414, since some of its contents are only 
>>>> valid for the non-mTLS endpoints, and others are only valid for the mTLS 
>>>> endpoints. Hence this question.
>>>> This introduces a new metadata property that could impact how other specs 
>>>> should extend AS metadata. That needs to be addressed.
>>>> I could go on for client points but you already get the point. Though I’ll 
>>>> share that #3 is real and once forced me to roll back an update to the 
>>>> Login with Amazon userinfo endpoint…good times. 😃
>>>> I don’t necessarily think an AS metadata property is wrong per se, but 
>>>> understand that you’re bolting a layer of flexibility onto a standard that 
>>>> wasn’t designed for that, and I don’t think the metadata proposal as it’s 
>>>> been discussed here sufficiently deals with the fallout from that. In my 
>>>> view this is a complex enough issue and it’s for a nuanced enough use case 
>>>> (as far as I can tell from discussion? Please correct me if I’m wrong) 
>>>> that we should punt it to a separate draft (e.g., “Authorization Server 
>>>> Metadata Extensions for mTLS Hybrids”) and get mTLS out the door.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Annabelle Richard Backman
>>>> AWS Identity
>>>> From: OAuth <> on behalf of Brian Campbell 
>>>> <>
>>>> Date: Monday, February 4, 2019 at 5:28 AM
>>>> To: "Richard Backman, Annabelle" <>
>>>> Cc: oauth <>
>>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] [UNVERIFIED SENDER] Re: MTLS and in-browser 
>>>> clients using the token endpoint
>>>> Those points of confusion strike me as somewhat hypothetical or 
>>>> hyperbolic. But your general point is taken and your position of being 
>>>> anti additional metadata on this issue is noted.
>>>> All of which leaves me a bit uncertain about how to proceed. There seem to 
>>>> be a range of opinions on this point and gauging consensus is proving 
>>>> elusive for me. That's confounded by my own opinion on it being somewhat 
>>>> fluid..
>>>> And I'd really like to post an update to this draft about a month or two 
>>>> ago.
>>>> On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 5:03 PM Richard Backman, Annabelle 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Confusion from the AS’s perspective:
>>>> If I only support mTLS, do I need to include both token_endpoint_uri and 
>>>> mtls_endpoints? Should I omit token_endpoint_uri? Or set it to the empty 
>>>> string?
>>>> What if I only support mTLS for the token endpoint, but not revocation or 
>>>> user info?
>>>> How do I specify authentication methods for the mTLS token endpoint? Does 
>>>> token_endpoint_auth_methods apply to both the mTLS and non-mTLS endpoints?
>>>> I’m using the OAuth 2.0 Device Flow. Do I include a mTLS-enabled 
>>>> device_authorization_endpoint under mtls_endpoints?
>>>> Confusion from the client’s perspective:
>>>> As far as I know, I’m a public client, and don’t know anything about mTLS, 
>>>> but the IT admins installed client certs in their users’ browsers and the 
>>>> AS expects to use that to authenticate me.
>>>> My AS metadata parser crashed because the mTLS-only AS omitted 
>>>> token_endpoint_uri.
>>>> My AS metadata parser crashed because it didn’t expect to encounter a JSON 
>>>> object as a parameter value.
>>>> The mTLS-only AS didn’t provide a value for mtls_endpoints, what do I do?
>>>> I don’t know what that “m” means, but they told me to use HTTPS, so I 
>>>> should use the one with “tls” in its name, right?
>>>> Yes, you can write normative text that answers most of these. But you’ll 
>>>> have to clearly cover a lot of similar-but-slightly-different scenarios 
>>>> and be very explicit. And implementers will still get it wrong. The 
>>>> metadata change introduces opportunities for confusion and failure that do 
>>>> not exist now, and forces them on everyone who supports mTLS. In contrast, 
>>>> the 307 redirect is only required when an AS wants to support both, and is 
>>>> unambiguous in its behavior and meaning.
>>>> -- 
>>>> Annabelle Richard Backman
>>>> AWS Identity
>>>> From: Brian Campbell <>
>>>> Date: Friday, February 1, 2019 at 3:17 PM
>>>> To: "Richard Backman, Annabelle" <>
>>>> Cc: George Fletcher <>, oauth <>
>>>> Subject: [UNVERIFIED SENDER] Re: [OAUTH-WG] MTLS and in-browser clients 
>>>> using the token endpoint
>>>> It doesn't seem like that confusing or large of a change to me - if the 
>>>> client is doing MTLS and the given endpoint is present in 
>>>> `mtls_endpoints`, then it uses that one.  Otherwise  it uses the regular 
>>>> endpoint. It gives an AS a lot of flexibility in deployment options. I 
>>>> personally think getting a 307 approach deployed and working would be more 
>>>> complicated and error prone.. 
>>>> It is a minority use case at the moment but there are forces in play, like 
>>>> the push for increased security in general and to have javascript clients 
>>>> use the code flow, that suggest it won't be terribly unusual to see an AS 
>>>> that wants to support MTLS clients and javascript/spa clients at the same 
>>>> time.
>>>> I've personally wavered back and forth in this thread on whether or not to 
>>>> add the new metadata (or something like it). With my reasoning each way 
>>>> kinda explained somewhere back in the 40 or so messages that make up this 
>>>> thread.  But it seems like the rough consensus of the group here is in 
>>>> favor of it.
>>>> On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 3:18 PM Richard Backman, Annabelle 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> This strikes me as a very prominent and confusing change to support what 
>>>> seems to be a minority use case. I’m getting a headache just thinking 
>>>> about the text needed to clarify when the AS should provide 
>>>> `mtls_endpoints` and when the client should use that versus using 
>>>> `token_endpoint.` Why is the 307 status code insufficient to cover the 
>>>> case where a single AS supports both mTLS and non-mTLS?
>>>> -- 
>>>> Annabelle Richard Backman
>>>> AWS Identity
>>>> From: OAuth <> on behalf of Brian Campbell 
>>>> <>
>>>> Date: Friday, February 1, 2019 at 1:31 PM
>>>> To: George Fletcher <>
>>>> Cc: oauth <>
>>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] MTLS and in-browser clients using the token 
>>>> endpoint
>>>> Yes, that would work. 
>>>> On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 2:28 PM George Fletcher 
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>> What if the AS wants to ONLY support MTLS connections. Does it not specify 
>>>> the optional "mtls_endpoints" and just use the normal metadata values?
>>>> On 1/15/19 8:48 AM, Brian Campbell wrote:
>>>> It would definitely be optional, apologies if that wasn't made clear.. 
>>>> It'd be something to the effect of optional for the AS to include and 
>>>> clients doing MTLS would use it when present in AS metadata.
>>>> On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 2:04 AM Dave Tonge <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I'm in favour of the `mtls_endpoints` metadata parameter - although it 
>>>> should be optional.
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