Not pure OAuth. This only came up as a question while I was implementing code 
flow/pkce for oidc-client-js.

I can appreciate not expanding the current OAuth2 behavior in the BCP, so 
that's fair. I only wanted to mention it in case it had not been considered.

Having said that, I think I will implement an optional response_type in my code 
flow/pkce to allow fragment, but default to query (as that's the default for 
pure code flow).


On 12/8/2018 1:58:05 PM, Aaron Parecki <> wrote:
Do you know of anyone currently doing this today in an OAuth-only application?

If the group wanted to take some existing OIDC mechanisms and apply them to 
OAuth, I feel like that needs to happen in a separate RFC, and that's a much 
bigger discussion. This BCP shouldn't really be defining new behavior. It's 
similar to how "OAuth 2.0 for Mobile and Native Apps" is not where PKCE is 
defined, PKCE has its own RFC.

- Aaron

On Sat, Dec 8, 2018 at 10:33 AM Brock Allen < 
[]> wrote:

For the same reason the implicit flow uses it -- to reduce exposure of the 
response params. I know the codeĀ is protected with the code_verifier, but it 
wouldn't hurt to reduce its exposure, no?


On 12/8/2018 1:23:41 PM, Aaron Parecki < 
[]> wrote:
What would be the benefit of using this response type? Are you aware of any 
OAuth (not OIDC) clients that do this today?

- Aaron

On Sat, Dec 8, 2018 at 7:29 AM Brock Allen < 
[]> wrote:

Should the BCP suggest using OIDC's response_type=fragment as the mechanism for 
returning the code from the AS? Or simply suggest using the fragment component 
of the redirect_uri for the code, without a response_type parameter (IOW don't 
allow it to be dynamic)?


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