For the same reason the implicit flow uses it -- to reduce exposure of the 
response params. I know the codeĀ is protected with the code_verifier, but it 
wouldn't hurt to reduce its exposure, no?


On 12/8/2018 1:23:41 PM, Aaron Parecki <> wrote:
What would be the benefit of using this response type? Are you aware of any 
OAuth (not OIDC) clients that do this today?

- Aaron

On Sat, Dec 8, 2018 at 7:29 AM Brock Allen < 
[]> wrote:

Should the BCP suggest using OIDC's response_type=fragment as the mechanism for 
returning the code from the AS? Or simply suggest using the fragment component 
of the redirect_uri for the code, without a response_type parameter (IOW don't 
allow it to be dynamic)?


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