I assume via the session context, carried 
as cookie, token or part of the URL.

> Am 02.12.2018 um 12:54 schrieb Rob Otto <robo...@pingidentity.com>:
> Apologies if I'm being dim (it wouldn't be the first time!) but how, in this 
> scenario, do we identify the browser client and authenticate it to the 
> backend, to associate it with the correct token(s)? 
> Cheers (and really interesting discussion so far)
> Rob 
>> On Sun, 2 Dec 2018 at 07:31, Torsten Lodderstedt <tors...@lodderstedt.net> 
>> wrote:
>> the UI is rendered in the frontend, UI control flow is in the frontend. just 
>> a different cut through the web app’s layering 
>> All Angular apps I have seen so far work that way. And it makes a lot of 
>> sense to me. The backend can aggregate and optimize access to the underlying 
>> services without the need to fully expose them.
>>> Am 02.12.2018 um 00:44 schrieb John Bradley <ve7...@ve7jtb.com>:
>>> How is that different from a regular server client with a web interface if 
>>> the backed is doing the API calls to the RS?
>>>> On 12/1/2018 12:25 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
>>>> I forgot to mention another (architectural) option: split an application 
>>>> into frontend provided by JS in the browser and a backend, which takes 
>>>> care of the business logic and handles tokens and API access. Replay 
>>>> detection at the interface between SPA and backend can utilize standard 
>>>> web techniques (see OWASP). The backend in turn can use mTLS for sender 
>>>> constraining.
>>>> Am 01.12.2018 um 15:34 schrieb Torsten Lodderstedt 
>>>> <tors...@lodderstedt..net>:
>>>>> IMHO the best mechanism at hand currently to cope with token 
>>>>> leakage/replay in SPAs is to use refresh tokens (rotating w/ replay 
>>>>> detection) and issue short living and privilege restricted access tokens.
>>>>> Sender constrained access tokens in SPAs need adoption of token binding 
>>>>> or alternative mechanism. mtls could potentially work in deployments with 
>>>>> automated cert rollout but browser UX and interplay with fetch needs some 
>>>>> work. We potentially must consider to warm up application level PoP 
>>>>> mechanisms in conjunction with web crypto. Another             path to be 
>>>>> evaluated could be web auth.
>>>>> Am 01.12.2018 um 10:15 schrieb Hannes Tschofenig 
>>>>> <hannes.tschofe...@arm.com>:
>>>>>> I share the concern Brian has, which is also the conclusion I came up 
>>>>>> with in my other email sent a few minutes ago.
>>>>>> From: OAuth <oauth-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Brian Campbell
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, November 30, 2018 11:43 PM
>>>>>> To: Torsten Lodderstedt <tors...@lodderstedt.net>
>>>>>> Cc: oauth <oauth@ietf.org>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-parecki-oauth-browser-based-apps-00
>>>>>> On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 4:07 AM Torsten Lodderstedt 
>>>>>> <tors...@lodderstedt.net> wrote:
>>>>>> > Am 15.11.2018 um 23:01 schrieb Brock Allen <brockal...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> > So you mean at the resource server ensuring the token was really 
>>>>>> > issued to the client? Isn't that an inherent limitation of all bearer 
>>>>>> > tokens (modulo HTTP token binding, which is still some time off)?
>>>>>> Sure. That’s why the Security BCP recommends use of TLS-based methods 
>>>>>> for sender constraining access tokens 
>>>>>> (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-security-topics-09#section-2..2).
>>>>>>  Token Binding for OAuth 
>>>>>> (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-token-binding-08) as well 
>>>>>> as Mutual TLS for OAuth 
>>>>>> (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-mtls-12) are the options 
>>>>>> available.
>>>>>> Unfortunately even when using the token endpoint, for SPA / in-browser 
>>>>>> client applications, the potential mechanisms for 
>>>>>> sender/key-constraining access tokens don't work very well or maybe 
>>>>>> don't work at all. So I don't know that the recommendation is very 
>>>>>> realistic.
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> -- 
> Rob Otto      
> EMEA Field CTO/Solutions Architect    
> robo...@pingidentity.com      
> c: +44 (0) 777 135 6092
> Connect with us:                                                              
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