Am 13.11.18 um 17:29 schrieb Brian Campbell:
>     > Does this "MUST be single-use” not effectively already require
>     the code is invalidated after first use? If so why downgrade this
>     to a “SHOULD”?
>     You are right. My feeling is single use can turn out to be a
>     really hard to implement requirement. That’s why I would like to
>     relax it. Given we now have a stronger requirement on client
>     authentication that should be fine.
>     Question to the list: what is your implementation experience
>     regarding one time use authorization codes?
> There's a bit of discussion about this on this ticket in the Connect
> WG:
> I do think that in some systems or architectures it can be difficult
> to strictly guarantee that a code can only be used once. And it'd be
> better for specs to come to terms with that rather than being
> unrealistically strict about it.
> We have an AS implementation that does do strict one-time use of the
> code. But it comes at a cost including some difficulties with
> resiliency for any particular code. Not to mention some
> troubleshooting and support issues/questions about it. We haven't
> gotten to the point of changing anything but have, from time to time,
> considered changing the implementation approach for code to something
> that would appear to behave the same but might not 100% guarantee a
> code could only be used once.

>From a security point of view: What do we want to achieve?

I assume that the original text in 6749 tried to ensure that even if an
authz code leaks to an attacker, the attacker (or a client on behalf of
the attacker) cannot obtain an access token using this code.

To capture this in a (very strong) security property, we could say: Even
if the whole authz response leaks to an attacker, including all browser
cookies, the attacker must not be able to obtain a token (or make the
client obtain a token) with it (after the legitimate user used the code).

With the current state of the draft, we can achieve this: We have client
authentication and injection prevention (read: PKCE) to prevent any
direct use of the code or use of the code in a new session with the
client. We further require that each authz response is accepted only
once by a client, in particular, we suggest to use a single-use "state"
for this purpose.

TL;DR: With single-use state and client authentication we do not gain
security from single-use codes.

I would be fine with relaxing the requirement on single-use codes in 6749.


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