Thanks Brian, this makes the spec even better!

I have just this one small note, there seems to be an "and" missing here:

The base64url-encoded value MUST omit all trailing pad '=' characters _and_ 
MUST NOT include any line breaks, whitespace, or other additional characters.


On 10/10/18 03:18, Brian Campbell wrote:
> A couple of the draft-ietf-oauth-mtls editors recived some off-list
> questions and feedback from an implementer, which resulted in a few small
> potential clarifying updates to the document that I think are worth
> incorporating despite the post WGLC status.
> Barring reasonable objections from the WG or process objections from the
> chairs, I'd like to make these updates.
> Basically, there were two points of confusion.
> First, there was some uncertainty about the order of operations and
> encoding steps when computing the "x5t#S256" value.  In order to be more
> specific/clear, I propose changing the relevant text in sec 3.1
> <> from:
> To represent the hash of a certificate in a JWT, this specification
> defines the new JWT Confirmation Method [RFC7800] member "x5t#S256"
> for the X.509 Certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint.  The value of the
> "x5t#S256" member is the SHA-256[SHS] hash (a.k.a. thumbprint,
> fingerprint or digest) of the DER encoding of the X.509 certificate
> [RFC5280] base64url-encoded [RFC4648] with with all trailing pad '='
> characters omitted and without the inclusion of any line breaks,
> whitespace, or other additional characters.
> to:
> To represent the hash of a certificate in a JWT, this specification
> defines the new JWT Confirmation Method [RFC7800] member "x5t#S256"
> for the X.509 Certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint.  The value of the
> "x5t#S256" member is a base64url-encoded [RFC4648] SHA-256 [SHS] hash
> (a.k.a.
> thumbprint, fingerprint or digest) of the DER encoding of the X.509
> certificate
> [RFC5280]. The base64url-encoded value MUST omit all trailing pad '='
> characters
> MUST NOT include any line breaks, whitespace, or other additional
> characters.
> And also, as a way for developers to check their work. to add an example
> with a certificate and the "x5t#S256" value for it.
> Second was some confusion about matching the cert/key against the keys in
> the client's JWK Set for the self-signed mode. It was said that having some
> text to the effect of '(e.g. "n" and "e" for RSA, "x" and "y" for EC)'
> along with the text note at the end of Section 2.2.2
> <>. would
> have been helpful. So that paragraph would change from:
>    For the Self-Signed Certificate method of binding a certificate to a
>    client using mutual TLS client authentication, the existing
>    "jwks_uri" or "jwks" metadata parameters from [RFC7591
> <>] are used to
>    convey the client's certificates and public keys, where the X.509
>    certificates are represented using the JSON Web Key (JWK) [RFC7517
> <>]
>    "x5c" parameter (note that Sec 4.7 of RFC 7517
> <> requires that the key
>    in the first certificate of the "x5c" parameter must match the public
>    key represented by other members of the JWK).
> to:
>    For the Self-Signed Certificate method of binding a certificate to a
>    client using mutual TLS client authentication, the existing
>    "jwks_uri" or "jwks" metadata parameters from [RFC7591
> <>] are used to
>    convey the client's certificates and public keys, where the X.509
>    certificates are represented using the JSON Web Key (JWK) [RFC7517
> <>]
>    "x5c" parameter. Note that Sec 4.7 of RFC 7517
> <> requires that the key
>    in the first certificate of the "x5c" parameter must match the public
>    key represented by other members of the JWK (e.g. "n" and "e" for RSA,
>    "x" and "y" for EC).
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