A couple of the draft-ietf-oauth-mtls editors recived some off-list
questions and feedback from an implementer, which resulted in a few small
potential clarifying updates to the document that I think are worth
incorporating despite the post WGLC status.

Barring reasonable objections from the WG or process objections from the
chairs, I'd like to make these updates.

Basically, there were two points of confusion.

First, there was some uncertainty about the order of operations and
encoding steps when computing the "x5t#S256" value.  In order to be more
specific/clear, I propose changing the relevant text in sec 3.1
<https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-mtls-11#section-3.1> from:

To represent the hash of a certificate in a JWT, this specification

defines the new JWT Confirmation Method [RFC7800] member "x5t#S256"

for the X.509 Certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint.  The value of the

"x5t#S256" member is the SHA-256[SHS] hash (a.k.a. thumbprint,

fingerprint or digest) of the DER encoding of the X.509 certificate

[RFC5280] base64url-encoded [RFC4648] with with all trailing pad '='

characters omitted and without the inclusion of any line breaks,

whitespace, or other additional characters.


To represent the hash of a certificate in a JWT, this specification
defines the new JWT Confirmation Method [RFC7800] member "x5t#S256"
for the X.509 Certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint.  The value of the
"x5t#S256" member is a base64url-encoded [RFC4648] SHA-256 [SHS] hash
thumbprint, fingerprint or digest) of the DER encoding of the X.509
[RFC5280]. The base64url-encoded value MUST omit all trailing pad '='
MUST NOT include any line breaks, whitespace, or other additional

And also, as a way for developers to check their work. to add an example
with a certificate and the "x5t#S256" value for it.

Second was some confusion about matching the cert/key against the keys in
the client's JWK Set for the self-signed mode. It was said that having some
text to the effect of '(e.g. "n" and "e" for RSA, "x" and "y" for EC)'
along with the text note at the end of Section 2.2.2
<https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-mtls-11#section-2.2.2>. would
have been helpful. So that paragraph would change from:

   For the Self-Signed Certificate method of binding a certificate to a
   client using mutual TLS client authentication, the existing
   "jwks_uri" or "jwks" metadata parameters from [RFC7591
<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7591>] are used to
   convey the client's certificates and public keys, where the X.509
   certificates are represented using the JSON Web Key (JWK) [RFC7517
   "x5c" parameter (note that Sec 4.7 of RFC 7517
<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517> requires that the key
   in the first certificate of the "x5c" parameter must match the public
   key represented by other members of the JWK).


   For the Self-Signed Certificate method of binding a certificate to a
   client using mutual TLS client authentication, the existing
   "jwks_uri" or "jwks" metadata parameters from [RFC7591
<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7591>] are used to
   convey the client's certificates and public keys, where the X.509
   certificates are represented using the JSON Web Key (JWK) [RFC7517
   "x5c" parameter. Note that Sec 4.7 of RFC 7517
<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7517> requires that the key
   in the first certificate of the "x5c" parameter must match the public
   key represented by other members of the JWK (e.g. "n" and "e" for RSA,
   "x" and "y" for EC).

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