
We are currently going through internal turmoil over the usage of implicit
grant for ua-based apps.  The webapp case is well understood and the WG has
work in progress to define best practices for native apps.  Having one for
ua-based apps would be HUGELY beneficial

On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 11:40 AM, Jim Manico <j...@manicode.com> wrote:

> Thank you to those answering my question on implicit for JS clients.
> The responses so far seem to represent what the security world is saying
> about the implicit grant - keep away from it other than for a few OIDC use
> cases.
> Does anyone think it would be valuable to author a brief RFC to give clear
> OAuth 2 recommendations for JavaScript client developers?
> I mean - the OAuth 2 body of work just needs a few more RFC's, right? :)
> Aloha, Jim
> On 2/17/17 6:03 AM, sebastian.ebl...@telekom.de wrote:
> Same for Deutsche Telekom. Our javascript clients also use code flow with
> CORS processing and of course redirect_uri validation.
> Best regards
> Sebastian
> *Von:* OAuth [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org <oauth-boun...@ietf.org>] *Im
> Auftrag von *Bill Burke
> *Gesendet:* Freitag, 17. Februar 2017 00:14
> *An:* oauth@ietf.org
> *Betreff:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Google's use of Implicit Grant Flow
> For our IDP [1], our javascript library uses the auth code flow, but
> requires a public client, redirect_uri validation, and also does CORS
> checks and processing.  We did not like Implicit Flow because
> 1) access tokens would be in the browser history
> 2) short lived access tokens (seconds or minutes) would require a browser
> redirect
> I'd be really curious to hear other's thoughts though.
> [1] http://keycloak.org
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__keycloak.org&d=DwMD-g&c=q3cDpHe1hF8lXU5EFjNM_A&r=hS3A5qzQnW1hxYBhPrxNW10ESeDiiiRwR8H84JHIXTI&m=IfM1P0zp986kOQNk7-NwlgfRZMq5MppK0kISXhIOF_s&s=YExyuyZO5YNpSvS3mEUG5pjKAjRXXVT8Xvk8hIb-Efw&e=>
> On 2/16/17 5:44 PM, Jim Manico wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> I noticed that Google supports the OAuth 2 Implicit flow for third-party
> JavaScript applications.
> https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2UserAgent
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__developers.google.com_identity_protocols_OAuth2UserAgent&d=DwMD-g&c=q3cDpHe1hF8lXU5EFjNM_A&r=hS3A5qzQnW1hxYBhPrxNW10ESeDiiiRwR8H84JHIXTI&m=IfM1P0zp986kOQNk7-NwlgfRZMq5MppK0kISXhIOF_s&s=_Mig-zmCt1y9dZpCece1dqby3VmcZVOu2JPcmAwzwKU&e=>
> Isn't this generally discouraged from a security POV? *Is there a better
> OAuth 2 flow for third party SPA applications?*
> Aloha,
> --
> Jim Manico
> Manicode Security
> https://www.manicode.com 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.manicode.com&d=DwMD-g&c=q3cDpHe1hF8lXU5EFjNM_A&r=hS3A5qzQnW1hxYBhPrxNW10ESeDiiiRwR8H84JHIXTI&m=IfM1P0zp986kOQNk7-NwlgfRZMq5MppK0kISXhIOF_s&s=H8pXLA4TE27vW-gz5Sbr9VOUP-KZMmd-gQ-okH4ohMU&e=>
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> --
> Jim Manico
> Manicode Securityhttps://www.manicode.com 
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.manicode.com&d=DwMD-g&c=q3cDpHe1hF8lXU5EFjNM_A&r=hS3A5qzQnW1hxYBhPrxNW10ESeDiiiRwR8H84JHIXTI&m=IfM1P0zp986kOQNk7-NwlgfRZMq5MppK0kISXhIOF_s&s=H8pXLA4TE27vW-gz5Sbr9VOUP-KZMmd-gQ-okH4ohMU&e=>
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