Hi Mike,

I really like the new revision since it is much simpler :-)

My comments:

I'm fine with describing all mitigations we talked about in Darmstadt in one/this spec. But the state check at the tokens endpoint is supposed to be a mitigation against code injection/cut and paste attack, which is not directly related to IDP/AS mix up. So I would suggest to change the name of the spec, probably "OAuth security extensions"?

I think the code injection/cut and paste attack should be described more extensively in the introduction. It's important for the reader to understand, why this mitigation is defined at all. Moreover, I think the description of the mitigation is still incomplete/spread over the document. In order to detect code injection, the RP not only needs to send the state to the tokens endpoint, it also needs to (directly or indirectly) _bind_ the state to the particular user agent (session). Otherwise, the attacker can inject the state along with the solen code easily. I would suggest to merge

"To prevent replay of the state in another browser instance by an attacker, the state value MUST be tied to the browser instance in a way that cannot be forged by an attacker. Section 4 of [I‑D.bradley‑oauth‑jwt‑encoded‑state]
         provides several examples of how a client can accomplish this."

into section 5.

I thought we had discussed to also give implementors a guideline on using state to prevent CSRF as well? How will we take care of that topic?

kinds regards,

Am 21.01.2016 um 07:28 schrieb Mike Jones:

John Bradley and I collaborated to create the second OAuth 2.0 Mix-Up Mitigation draft. Changes were:

·Simplified by no longer specifying the signed JWT method for returning the mitigation information.

·Simplified by no longer depending upon publication of a discovery metadata document.

·Added the “state” token request parameter.

·Added examples.

·Added John Bradley as an editor.

The specification is available at:


An HTML-formatted version is also available at:


-- Mike

P.S. This note was also posted athttp://self-issued.info/?p=1526 and as @selfissued <https://twitter.com/selfissued>.

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