Well, re-reading, I have a bit of problem with the draft. It is defining a new concept 'issuer', which is not found in RFC6749, as the authorization server's configuration information location. It is returned in 'iss' authorization response parameter. On the other hand, there is an existing concept of 'issuer' for identifying the authorization server in OpenID Connect. e.g., Google's discovery document's URI is https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration and issuer in it is https://accounts.google.com . This value MUST exactly match the "iss" in ID Token. Unfortunately, this does not match the value of OAuth issuer defined in Section 2 of draft-jones-oauth-mix-up-mitigation-01 nor the 'iss' returned as specified in 3.1. As such, validation as specified in bullet 1 of Section 4 fails in Google's case -- OR it means that the document is internally inconsistent.
Also, I do not understand the value of OAuth issuer when there is no configuration file but everything is determined in the developer documentation. This is one of the assumption of RFC6749 and many OAuth servers are operated like that. Technically, since the discovery document does not exist, it is an empty string, which fails the validation rule set here. As to section 5 is concerned, I could not read out what threat it is trying to mitigate. Is it trying to address the case that the client is not doing a proper state check? From section 6, it seems it is trying to do the binding between the authorization request and the token request, but if that is the case, is it not better to just use PKCE than introducing something new? The draft-sakimura-oauth-meta-05 approach is similar, but it avoids these confusions. Instead of relying on 'issuer' concept, it uses token endpoint URI. Per discussion in Yokohama, the identifier that distinguishes the authorization server is the URI of the authorization endpoint uri. This is the trust anchor of the entire flow, and it exists even if the client is not using discovery of any kind. If you cannot trust this endpoint, everything breaks. Oauth-meta chains the trust through metadata step by step. In case of 'code' flow, the next step on the server side is the token endpoint uri. This is returned in a parameter called 'turi', a shorthand for token endpoint uri. The validation rule is that the client MUST check that turi and the token endpoint uri that is previously known to the client exactly matches. (Actually, a simpler way is just use the value returned in turi.) Then, the client sends the token request to turi. If additional security through authorization and token request binding, or making sure that the client instance is really the intended audience, then use PKCE [RFC7636]. The client_id parameter in draft-jones-oauth-mix-up-mitigation-01 does not help in the case of public client, but PKCE works. In addition, draft-sakimura-oauth-meta-05 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-sakimura-oauth-meta-05> [1] provides other goodies as well, such as HATEOAS. It achieves all these by the full use of RFC5988 and introducing very little new things. It is only one page! So, IMHO, the combination of draft-sakimura-oauth-meta-05 and RFC7636 seems to be a better solution. - It does not break the existing implementations; - It does not confuse the reader by defining two concepts of issuer depending on the context; - It works in the case that the configuration is done through the developer documentation. i.e., it does not require yet to be defined discovery spec. - It works for public client as well; - It enables HATEOAS - Yes. It makes OAuth finally RESTful!; There is one discussion point that I want to raise for oauth-meta. Currently, the authorization response metadata such as turi are returned as query parameters. This is to enable the dynamic reallocation of the endpoints, and adhere to the HATEOS principle. If you do not need this dynamism, then there is an alternative proposal that I have, that makes it extremely simple to implement for the server. In this case, the client just sends HEAD request to the authorization endpoint. Then the authorization endpoint returns 200 OK with turi in the header. e.g., HTTP/1.1 200 OK Link: <https://example.com/token>; rel="turi", Content-Type: application/JSON; charset=utf-8 This can be achieved without touching the authorization endpoint code, but just by configuration. In case of apache, use 'header append' in the apache configuration. If we take this course, then there is another advantage to be added: - You do not need to change the server code. Is it not attractive? Cheers, Nat Sakimura [1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-sakimura-oauth-meta-05 2016年1月21日(木) 15:14 Antonio Sanso <asa...@adobe.com>: > +1 for adoption > On Jan 19, 2016, at 12:49 PM, Hannes Tschofenig <hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net> > wrote: > > > Hi all, > > > > this is the call for adoption of OAuth 2.0 Mix-Up Mitigation, see > > https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jones-oauth-mix-up-mitigation-00 > > > > Please let us know by Feb 9th whether you accept / object to the > > adoption of this document as a starting point for work in the OAuth > > working group. > > > > Note: This call is related to the announcement made on the list earlier > > this month, see > > http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/oauth/current/msg15336.html. More > > time for analysis is provided due to the complexity of the topic. > > > > Ciao > > Hannes & Derek > > > > _______________________________________________ > > OAuth mailing list > > OAuth@ietf.org > > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/oauth > > _______________________________________________ > OAuth mailing list > OAuth@ietf.org > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/oauth >
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