First, I'll repeat what I said on the call that I agree that Phil should be a 
co-author.  I'll add him when I create the working group versions of the 
individual submission documents.  Thanks for your work on software assertions 
and client association, Phil!

As an editor, my preference would be to create working group -00 versions of 
the current individual submission documents first with no technical changes - 
just putting them under working group control and adding Phil as an author.  
Then we can address any comments received in subsequent -01 versions.

Putting on my OpenID hat, I'll say that the current docs are compatible with 
OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 
(, which is 
expected to be finalized next month.  Of course, there are several other 
profiles of OAuth Dynamic Client Registration and I won't try to speak for 
them.  That being said, since there were no technical changes from -14 to -15 - 
just refactoring - I would expect that their profiles would not have been 
broken either.

                                -- Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: OAuth [] On Behalf Of Hannes Tschofenig
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 8:05 PM
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Dynamic Registration Plan: Your Feedback Needed!

Hi all,

as you have seen from the meeting minutes of our recent status chat it is time 
to proceed with the dynamic client registration work.

The earlier version of the dynamic client registration document was split into 
three parts, namely
  (1) the current working group draft containing only minimal functionality,
  (2) a document describing meta-data, and
  (3) a document containing management functionality.

This change was made as outcome of the discussions we had more or less over the 
last 9 months.

The latter two documents are individual submissions at this point. New content 
is not available with the recent changes. So, it is one of those document 
management issues.

I had a chat with Stephen about WG adoption of the two individual submissions 
as WG items. It was OK for him given that it is a purely document management 
action. However, before we turn the documents into WG items we need your 
feedback on a number of issues:

1) Do you have concerns with the document split? Do you object or approve it?
2) Is the separation of the functionality into these three documents correct? 
Should the line be drawn differently?
3) Do you have comments on the documents overall?

We would like to receive high-level feedback within a week. We are also eager 
to hear from implementers and other projects using the dynamic client 
registration work (such as OpenID Connect, UMA, the BlueButton/GreenButton 
Initiative, etc.)

For more detailed reviews please wait till we re-do the WGLC (which we plan to 
do soon). We have to restart the WGLC due to discussions last years and the 
resulting changes to these documents.

Hannes & Derek

PS: Derek and I also think that Phil should become co-auhor of these documents 
for his contributions.

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