Well, I have to say that if anything seems poorly thought out, it would
be a design with the following characteristics.
We already have a "software_id" field and it's named "redirect_uris"
This seems to violate the most basic principles of software design -
overloading a field with meaning distinct from its primary purpose!!
Phil has raised some substantive questions regarding client meta-data
and the registration process. This information (software_id) is
essential for identifying and disabling a class of clients that may have
been found to have some security flaws, for example.
This is a practical deployment issue that also impacts the security
characteristics of OAuth. It should be taken into account in the client
registration process.
I hope we will take the time to discuss this issue carefully and not
rush to finalize a specification which has NOT received much review
from the OAuth community.
- prateek
We already have a "software_id" field and it's named "redirect_uris".
This doesn't seem well thought-out. We shouldn't try to jam it into
the spec at the last minute.
The good news is that since the registration spec allows for
extensions, and the proposed fields are optional, these could be added
later as a non-breaking change by another spec if the working group
eventually decides to pursue a route like the one proposed below. We
don't have to do it now for this to eventually come into being after
deliberate consideration of a complete specification including these
features by the working group.
-- Mike
*From:*oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] *On
Behalf Of *John Bradley
*Sent:* Wednesday, May 22, 2013 2:21 PM
*To:* Phil Hunt
*Cc:* oauth@ietf.org WG
*Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Proposed resolution - Dynamic Reg - Fix to
client_id definition issue (was: Client Instances)
As I pointed out in the other thread, redirect_uri is the thing that
ties together the clients as that is the place the responses need to
go to so is hard to fake.
All instances of a particular client application will share the same
redirect_uri across all instances.
Adding a bunch of self asserted informational fields to the base spec
is not really helping. In a enterprise situation where all the apps
play nice it might be helpfull but the reality is that you probably
allready have a MDM that lets you manage app versions.
On 2013-05-22, at 3:59 PM, Phil Hunt <phil.h...@oracle.com
<mailto:phil.h...@oracle.com>> wrote:
I had a conversation with Justin yesterday to try to come to a
resolution regarding my concerns about client instances and being able
to associate client instances that are issued for the same client
software. I think we made some progress.
*/Background: /*
In RFC6749, public clients, had a common client_id. Many interpreted
client_id as refering to the client application software (e.g. the
iPhone Facebook app). This is probably due to the types of OAuth2
implementations that existed at the time, where there was a single SP
instance. Others have interpreted that client_id does not refer to
client applications but rather ideally should point to instances of
software. To me this seems like equating a client_id to being a
user-id -- IOW the key part of a credential rather than a client
The new draft proposes that each instance be identified separately.
However it does so without keeping track of client software that is
the same.
Never-the-less, I think both interpretations can be accommodated.
Finally, in single instance services (like Facebook, Twitter, etc),
there was a natural registration and approval cycle bound into the
client_id issuance process. The developer was able to talk to the
single service provider and obtain a client_id for all deployments. It
wasn't stated, but the client_id registration sites served a useful
way to do application approvals. This is a difficult problem to solve
when there are multiple instance of Resource API deployed in multiple
locations. The developer can't contact them all. Further, because the
current draft loses knowledge of how to recognize that two instances
of clients share the same software, there's no ability to have an
approval process. Each instance is essentially anonymous, and thus
approval processes would not be possible. Though it does not require
it, this proposal makes it possible for service providers to recognize
new software and to have approval process.
What I have worked out with Justin (and he may not yet fully agree
with everything) is a proposal that solves the problem in an optional
way that will not break existing clients.
I also propose that optional version numbers also be supported. This
is useful to service providers who need to know which client_ids are
affected when certain software clients and/or versions are deprecated.
The re-introduction of the renamed software_id further enables "local"
registration to occur. The first time a client tries to register, a
service provider could for example, choose to hold the registration to
obtain administrative approval.
The solution here is not intended to provide software "authentication"
or software verification. The solution simply allows service providers
to make pragmatic decisions about sets of clients that typically work
the same way in a change managed environment.
Question: What happens if the server does not support these new
parameters and the client provides them? The current draft already
covers this in Section 3. Specifically:
The Client Registration Endpoint MUST ignore all parameters it does not
Below are 3 options for the group to consider. My recommendation is
for option 1. My concern is option 2 will lead to complexity because
clients and service providers will attempt to encode versions and
software identifiers into one field. I would rather keep this to
simple UUIDs for most cases.
*Option 1 (2 parameters):*
This value MAY be required by registration endpoints. The value MAY be
a unique identifier (UUID) self-assigned by a the client application
developer, or it MAY be an assertion. The value SHOULD be the same
across all instances of a client on an application platform. For
example, software used in a mobile phone should be considered as
different from a web server implementation though it may share the
same code.The identifier *SHOULD NOT *change between software
updates. While a client application MAY be issued multiple client_id's
and client credentials over its deployment lifecycle, the software_id
SHOULD NOT change.
Signed assertions MAY be used as software identifiers to allow
different dynamic registration end-points to recognize approval from a
common issuer (for example in cases where the resource API released by
a single publisher but deployed in many different domains). The
decision to use assertions and the method by which developers know how
to obtain assertions is out of scope for this specification.
[editorial note: some current deployments are using temporary client
credential assertions for this purpose. I propose to standardize this
in this field since an assertion would server the same purpose as a
UUID only providing third party signing and other claims. I am
concerned that passing a client assertion for this purpose creates
complexity in client authentication processing - though obviously
Justin has it working]
RECOMMENDED. A version indicates a client developer chosen version
number. The identifier SHOULD BE the same across all copies of client
software. The version number SHOULD change between different client
updates. The intention is that Service Providers MAY perform equality
matching with software_id to sub-select groups of clients of a
particular software version.
*Option 2 (single parameter):*
This value MAY be required by registration endpoints. The value MAY be
a unique identifier (UUID) self-assigned by a the client application
developer, or it MAY be an assertion. The value SHOULD be the same
across all instances of a client on an application platform. For
example, software used in a mobile phone should be considered as
different from a web server implementation though it may share the
same code. The identifier *SHOULD* change when the client software has
changed such as with a version update or a platform change.
Signed assertions MAY be used as software identifiers to allow
different dynamic registration end-points to recognize approval from a
common issuer (for example in cases where the resource API released by
a single publisher but deployed in many different domains). The
decision to use assertions and the method by which developers know how
to obtain assertions is out of scope for this specification.
[note: same editorial note as option 1]
*Option 3 (no change):*
In this option, no changes to the draft are made.
Personal comment: It has been proposed by several on the list that
another extension draft be written for these features as an extension
to the dynamic registration draft. In my opinion, such a draft would
be very small in size without clear reason for separation. My feeling
is that some technical justification for keeping these features
separated will likely be needed.
www.independentid.com <http://www.independentid.com/>
phil.h...@oracle.com <mailto:phil.h...@oracle.com>
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