
As I pointed out in the other thread,  redirect_uri is the thing that ties 
together the clients as that is the place the responses need to go to so is 
hard to fake.

All instances of a particular client application will share the same 
redirect_uri across all instances.   

Adding a bunch of self asserted informational fields to the base spec is not 
really helping.  In a enterprise situation where all the apps play nice it 
might be helpfull but the reality is that you probably allready have a MDM that 
lets you manage app versions.


On 2013-05-22, at 3:59 PM, Phil Hunt <> wrote:

> I had a conversation with Justin yesterday to try to come to a resolution 
> regarding my concerns about client instances and being able to associate 
> client instances that are issued for the same client software. I think we 
> made some progress.
> Background:  
> In RFC6749, public clients, had a common client_id. Many interpreted 
> client_id as refering to the client application software (e.g. the iPhone 
> Facebook app). This is probably due to the types of OAuth2 implementations 
> that existed at the time, where there was a single SP instance.  Others have 
> interpreted that client_id does not refer to client applications but rather 
> ideally should point to instances of software. To me this seems like equating 
> a client_id to being a user-id -- IOW the key part of a credential rather 
> than a client identifier. 
> The new draft proposes that each instance be identified separately. However 
> it does so without keeping track of client software that is the same.
> Never-the-less, I think both interpretations can be accommodated.
> Finally, in single instance services (like Facebook, Twitter, etc), there was 
> a natural registration and approval cycle bound into the client_id issuance 
> process. The developer was able to talk to the single service provider and 
> obtain a client_id for all deployments. It wasn't stated, but the client_id 
> registration sites served a useful way to do application approvals.  This is 
> a difficult problem to solve when there are multiple instance of Resource API 
> deployed in multiple locations. The developer can't contact them all.  
> Further, because the current draft loses knowledge of how to recognize that 
> two instances of clients share the same software, there's no ability to have 
> an approval process. Each instance is essentially anonymous, and thus 
> approval processes would not be possible.  Though it does not require it, 
> this proposal makes it possible for service providers to recognize new 
> software and to have approval process.
> Proposal:
> What I have worked out with Justin (and he may not yet fully agree with 
> everything) is a proposal that solves the problem in an optional way that 
> will not break existing clients. 
> I also propose that optional version numbers also be supported. This is 
> useful to service providers who need to know which client_ids are affected 
> when certain software clients and/or versions are deprecated. The 
> re-introduction of the renamed software_id further enables "local" 
> registration to occur. The first time a client tries to register, a service 
> provider could for example, choose to hold the registration to obtain 
> administrative approval.
> The solution here is not intended to provide software "authentication" or 
> software verification. The solution simply allows service providers to make 
> pragmatic decisions about sets of clients that typically work the same way in 
> a change managed environment. 
> Question:  What happens if the server does not support these new parameters 
> and the client provides them?  The current draft already covers this in 
> Section 3.  Specifically:
>>  The Client Registration Endpoint MUST ignore all parameters it does not 
>> understand.
> Below are 3 options for the group to consider.  My recommendation is for 
> option 1. My concern is option 2 will lead to complexity because clients and 
> service providers will attempt to encode versions and software identifiers 
> into one field. I would rather keep this to simple UUIDs for most cases.
> Option 1 (2 parameters):
> software_id
> This value MAY be required by registration endpoints. The value MAY be a 
> unique identifier (UUID) self-assigned by a the client application developer, 
> or it MAY be an assertion. The value SHOULD be the same across all instances 
> of a client on an application platform. For example, software used in a 
> mobile phone should be considered as different from a web server 
> implementation though it may share the same code. The identifier SHOULD NOT 
> change between software updates. While a client application MAY be issued 
> multiple client_id's and client credentials over its deployment lifecycle, 
> the software_id SHOULD NOT change.
> Signed assertions MAY be used as software identifiers to allow different 
> dynamic registration end-points to recognize approval from a common issuer 
> (for example in cases where the resource API released by a single publisher 
> but deployed in many different domains). The decision to use assertions and 
> the method by which developers know how to obtain assertions is out of scope 
> for this specification.
> [editorial note: some current deployments are using temporary client 
> credential assertions for this purpose. I propose to standardize this in this 
> field since an assertion would server the same purpose as a UUID only 
> providing third party signing and other claims. I am concerned that passing a 
> client assertion for this purpose creates complexity in client authentication 
> processing - though obviously Justin has it working]
> software_version
> RECOMMENDED. A version indicates a client developer chosen version number. 
> The identifier SHOULD BE the same across all copies of client software. The 
> version number SHOULD change between different client updates. The intention 
> is that Service Providers MAY perform equality matching with software_id to 
> sub-select groups of clients of a particular software version.
> Option 2 (single parameter):
> software_id
> This value MAY be required by registration endpoints. The value MAY be a 
> unique identifier (UUID) self-assigned by a the client application developer, 
> or it MAY be an assertion. The value SHOULD be the same across all instances 
> of a client on an application platform. For example, software used in a 
> mobile phone should be considered as different from a web server 
> implementation though it may share the same code. The identifier SHOULD 
> change when the client software has changed such as with a version update or 
> a platform change.
> Signed assertions MAY be used as software identifiers to allow different 
> dynamic registration end-points to recognize approval from a common issuer 
> (for example in cases where the resource API released by a single publisher 
> but deployed in many different domains). The decision to use assertions and 
> the method by which developers know how to obtain assertions is out of scope 
> for this specification.
> [note: same editorial note as option 1]
> Option 3 (no change):
> In this option, no changes to the draft are made. 
> Personal comment:  It has been proposed by several on the list that another 
> extension draft be written for these features as an extension to the dynamic 
> registration draft. In my opinion, such a draft would be very small in size 
> without clear reason for separation. My feeling is that some technical 
> justification for keeping these features separated will likely be needed.
> Phil
> @independentid
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