Those reasons make sense to me, thanks for enumerating.

On Aug 10, 2012, at 9:25 AM, Justin Richer wrote:

> The reason is simple: to benefit from the rest of the improvements in the 
> OAuth2 framework. These are just the ones off the top of my head:
> 1) Multiple means for getting a token (all the flows are now available)
> 2) No request tokens
> 3) No reliance on per-client secrets (though, addendum, I think the MAC spec 
> should be augmented to use them if present)
> 4) Ability to integrate with many different extensions to OAuth2, both now 
> and in the future
> -- Justin
> On 08/10/2012 12:18 PM, Dick Hardt wrote:
>> As an implementor, I would pick a signed JWT over OAuth 1.0A. Just saying.
>> Given that, there is also a clear need for signing an HTTP(S) request as 
>> some sites are choosing OAuth 1.0A over OAuth 2.0 because they don't want to 
>> use bearer tokens.
>> I never followed what MAC solved that OAuth 1.0A did not solve. Would 
>> someone elaborate? We do have an RFC for signing requests, there are lots of 
>> libraries already. Why the desire to reinvent OAuth 1.0A?
>> -- Dick
>> On Aug 10, 2012, at 8:00 AM, Rob Richards wrote:
>>> I think you nailed it which that statement. Up until now it as been back 
>>> and forth about one or the other. Personally I prefer to used layered 
>>> security and not relying on a single point of attack. It's unrealistic to 
>>> say everyone is going to want/need/be able to use (take your pick) 
>>> signed/encrypted JWT. MAC at least offers an alternative, less complicated 
>>> solution.
>>> Rob
>>> On 8/10/12 10:41 AM, Richer, Justin P. wrote:
>>>> What about security in depth? Signing + TLS is more secure than either 
>>>> alone, isn't it?
>>>>  -- Justin
>>>> On Aug 10, 2012, at 3:01 AM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
>>>>> Hi Bill,
>>>>> thanks for the feedback. Let's have a look at this use case:
>>>>> You need to provide me a bit more information regarding your use case. 
>>>>> Could you please explain
>>>>> 1) Who is authenticated to whom?
>>>>> 2) What plaintext connection are you talking about?
>>>>> 3) What is the problem with encrypted connections? Is this again the "TLS 
>>>>> has so bad performance" argument?
>>>>> 4) Since you are talking about cookies and making them more secure are 
>>>>> you trying to come up with a general solution to better cookie security - 
>>>>> a topic others are working on as well.
>>>>> 5) What is the threat you are concerned about?
>>>>> Ciao
>>>>> Hannes
>>>>> PS: I would heavily argue against standardize a security mechanism that 
>>>>> offers weaker protection than bearer when the entire argument has always 
>>>>> been "Bearer is so insecure and we need something stronger."
>>>>> On Aug 9, 2012, at 9:43 PM, William Mills wrote:
>>>>>> OK, I'll play and start documenting the use cases.
>>>>>> Use case #1: Secure authentication in plain text connections:
>>>>>> Some applications need a secure form authorization, but do not want or 
>>>>>> need the overhead of encrypted connections.  HTTP cookies and their ilk 
>>>>>> are replayable credentials and do not satisfy this need.   the MAC 
>>>>>> scheme using signed HTTP authorization credentials offer the capability 
>>>>>> to securely authorize a transaction, can offer integrity protection on 
>>>>>> all or part of an HTTP request, and can provide replay protection.
>>>>>> -bill
>>>>>> From: John Bradley <>
>>>>>> To: William Mills <>
>>>>>> Cc: Dick Hardt <>; "" <>
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2012 11:26 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] mistake in draft-ietf-oauth-v2-http-mac-01
>>>>>> In Vancouver the question was asked about the future of the MAC spec due 
>>>>>> to it no linger having a editor.
>>>>>> The Chair and AD indicated a desire to have a document on the use-cases 
>>>>>> we are trying to address before deciding on progressing MAC or starting 
>>>>>> a new document.
>>>>>> Phil Hunt is going to put together a summery of the Vancouver discussion 
>>>>>> and we are going to work on the use-case/problem description document 
>>>>>> ASAP.
>>>>>> People are welcome to contribute to the use-case document.
>>>>>> Part of the problem with MAC has been that people could never agree on 
>>>>>> what it was protecting against.
>>>>>> I think there is general agreement that one or more proof mechanisms are 
>>>>>> required for access tokens.
>>>>>> Security for the token endpoint also cannot be ignored.
>>>>>> John B.
>>>>>> On 2012-08-09, at 1:53 PM, William Mills wrote:
>>>>>>> MAC fixes the signing problems encountered in OAuth 1.0a, yes there are 
>>>>>>> libraries out there for OAuth 1.0a.  MAC fits in to the OAuth 2 auth 
>>>>>>> model and will provide for a single codepath for sites that want to use 
>>>>>>> both Bearer and MAC.
>>>>>>> From: Dick Hardt <>
>>>>>>> To: William Mills <>
>>>>>>> Cc: "" <>
>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, August 9, 2012 10:27 AM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] mistake in draft-ietf-oauth-v2-http-mac-01
>>>>>>> On Aug 9, 2012, at 9:52 AM, William Mills wrote:
>>>>>>>> I find the idea of starting from scratch frustrating.  MAC solves a 
>>>>>>>> set of specific problems and has a well defined use case.  It's 
>>>>>>>> symmetric key based which doesn't work for some folks, and the 
>>>>>>>> question is do we try to develop something that supports both PK and 
>>>>>>>> SK, or finish the SK use case and then work on a PK based draft.
>>>>>>>> I think it's better to leave them separate and finish out MAC which is 
>>>>>>>> *VERY CLOSE* to being done.
>>>>>>> Who is interested in MAC? People can use OAuth 1.0 if they prefer that 
>>>>>>> model.
>>>>>>> For my projects, I prefer the flexibility of a signed or encrypted JWT 
>>>>>>> if I need holder of key.
>>>>>>> Just my $.02
>>>>>>> -- Dick
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