On 2012-07-17 19:39, Mike Jones wrote:
Yes, the decision to remove normative references to HTTPbis was made during the 
public OAuth status call on Monday, July 9th, as the call participants wanted 
to be able to publish the RFC before HTTPbis is published as an RFC.

Well, it would have been nice to see this recorded in a mail to the mailing list.

The sense on that call was that HTTPbis wouldn't be an RFC until near the end 
of this year or later.  If you have more data on that, it would be great to 
learn what the actual expected timeline is.

We all know well that it's extremely hard to make predictions like these, right?

So again: if you simply replace the dependency then you need to add prose explaining why you are using syntax that is not allowed per RFC 2617. I would think it's easier to leave things as they were (and as last-called both in the WG LC and the IETF LC), and let the spec sit in the RFC Editor queue a bit longer (it would still be approved as Proposed Standard, just not published).

Best regards, Julian
OAuth mailing list

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