On Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 1:48 PM, Hannes Tschofenig
<hannes.tschofe...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Btw, in a discussion with Brian we check the policies for the three 
> extensions in the OAuth core specification
> 1) Section 8.3.  Defining New Authorization Grant Types
> If you don't define additional token endpoint parameters then there is 
> actually no requirement for expert review or a specification.
> It is probably FCFS.

That raises a different question/issue.

My understanding of the core spec was that it used URIs in extension
points that might be profiled by actual specifications as well as by
vendor-specific or other less rigorous implementations.

To the extent that's true, ยง8.3 of OAuth core[1] is problematic in
that it allows for any URI defining the grant type but requires
additional parameters the grant type might use to be registered in the
The OAuth Parameters Registry (and new grant types will most likely
need additional parameters).

Inf fact, I've already got a vendor-specific grant type that uses an
unregistered parameter on the token endpoint - it's a simple grant
type for access token introspection [2]. At the time I was thinking
the parameter was implicitly qualified by the grant type and this was
all okay. But looking at it again, per the letter of the spec, this
would seem to be a violation. But what should we have done? How does a
vendor-specific extension go about registering a parameter? Would that
even be a good idea?

[1] http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-28#section-8.3
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