On 6/9/12 12:56 AM, Dick Hardt wrote:
Mike emailed me the draft and asked if I would publish it.
I reviewed the draft and I thought it captured consensus.

Chairs call consensus.

I noted that Hannes had asked Eran to publish the edits a week ago
There have been numerous indications that Eran has lost interest in
continuing as editor. Eg. his decision to discontinue his work on the
MAC spec.

Okay, but why wasn't Eran at least informed, given that he had *not*
announced that he would no longer be editing this document?  This sounds
like a bobble by the chairs and a possible overreach by you, and this is
something that should be brought to the attention of the working group
(i.e. the legitimacy of this version of the document is, well,
questionable) but resolved offline by the chairs and editors.  A public
apology wouldn't be a terrible thing, either.

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