Today, a new draft of the OAuth 2.0 specification was published.

* I had nothing to do with this draft. I did not edit or authored it. I didn't 
know it was being published.
* The draft was authored by Mike Jones and published by Dick Hardt.
* Neither one is an editor or an active author of the document.

Here are the facts:

* On 5/31 Hannes asked me to publish a new draft with the proposed changes 
posted by Mike by Sunday 6/3 (within 3 days). The chairs did not offer any 
reason for requesting such a quick turnaround. It took the chairs weeks to 
respond to me about the request for ABNF or error text. There wasn't any 
urgency when it was their task.
* I promptly replied that I plan to wait until the ABNF is completed before 
publishing a new draft. The ABNF, which is the only pending DISCUSS for the 
core specification, is still being actively debated on the list and was clearly 
presented as work in progress.
* Hannes did not reply back with any other instructions.
* Mike replied back trying to speak on behalf of the chairs, suggesting that 
'version numbers are cheap'. I replied that my time isn't.
* At no point did any of the chairs indicated any issue with my publication 
schedule. The full thread is here:
* Today, using Dick Hardt author credit on the document, Mike published his 
draft. There is no indication that changes were made by someone other than the 
editor or that the added sections are still a work in progress and pending 
consensus as is WG practice (e.g. [[ Pending Consensus ]] or [[ Proposed 
* No one has offered any explanation as to why the editor was pushed aside and 
blindsided with a new draft. There was no communication or any attempt to from 
the chairs, Mike, Dick, or anyone else.
* After posting the new draft, Mike emailed the IESG to resolve a pending 
DISCUSS item on the core specification, something that is clearly my role and 
handled by me so far. I was not included in the email list but received a copy 
through the tracker system as author.

Publishing a new draft must be done by a listed author. The only reason Dick 
and David are listed is historical in regognition of their initial 
contribution. Both David and Dick offered to remove their name from the top 
credits in the past (the reason Dick gave at the time was that the document was 
clearly my work). Using the author credit as a way to sidestep the editor is 
within the chairs right but that doesn't make it right.

I have done absolutely nothing to justify taking the document editorial work 
from me, even temporarily. I have tirelessly published 26 drafts of this 
documenty. I have been working on this specification for almost 5 years. While 
the chairs can certainly decide who gets to edit and publish new drafts, there 
was no reason to do this here, and typically this is done when an editor is 
unresponsive and has to be removed. In this case, it was the chairs who were 
unresponsive  and uncommunicative. They didn't think to even give me the 
courtesy of a head up.

It is not clear to me what my standing is at this point with regard to this 
document. I will wait for further information from the AD to decide how to 


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