On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 12:07 PM, Derek Atkins <de...@ihtfp.com> wrote:
> I think there are two main differerences between webfinger and swd:
> a) whole-document vs. individual attributes
> b) a perceived authorization model to control access to said attributes
> In particular I feel there are some specific security requirements that
> must be bet by the protocol, but I think it's easily accomplished by
> a small amount of text that effectively says:
> 1) requestors of the service should authenticate (or be treated as an
>   anonymous user)
> 2) content returned must be dynamic and dependent on the authorization
>   of the authenticated user.

I think requesters MAY authenticate, not SHOULD.

> This leaves only the perceived issue of "whole document" vs "individual
> attribute".  If a client ever wants more than one attribute then a whole
> document approach reduces the number of round trips.  However if
> documents get large that could also affect performance.  We might, then,
> need a way to specify which attributes are requested, but allow for a
> wildcard to return "everything I am authorized to see".

Something like the PoCo query model?
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