Thanks for asking these questions Hannes.  I'll first provide a brief feature 
comparison of Simple Web Discovery and WebFinger and then answer your questions.


location(s) for a specific resource for a specific principal.  WebFinger 
returns all resources for the principal.  The example at 
"Retrieving a Person's Contact Information" is telling.  The WebFinger usage 
model seems to be "I'll get everything about you and then fish through it to 
decide what to do with it."  The protocol assumption that all WebFinger 
information must be public is also built into the protocol where the CORS 
response header "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" is mandated, per  The 
privacy characteristics of these approaches are very different.  (It's these 
very same privacy characteristics that led sysadmins to nearly ubiquitously 
disabling the fingerd service!)  Particularly for the OAuth use cases, narrow, 
scoped, and potentially permissioned res
 ponses seem preferable.

a "document model", where a single document is returned that contains multiple 
resources for a principal.  SWD is built on an "API model", where the 
location(s) of a particular resource for a principal are returned.  The problem 
with the document model is that different parties or services may be 
authoritative for different resources for a given principal, and yet all need 
the rights to edit the resulting document.  This hurts deployability, because 
document edits then need to be coordinated among parties that may have 
different rights and responsibilities, and may have negative security 
implications as well.  (Just because I can change your avatar doesn't mean that 
I should be able to change your mail server.)

REDIRECT FUNCTIONALITY AND DEPLOYABILTY:  SWD includes the ability to redirect 
some or all SWD requests to another location (possibly depending upon the 
specific resource and principal parameters).  Deployers hosting numerous sites 
for others told the SWD authors that this functionality is critical for 
deployability, as it means that the SWD server for a domain can live in a 
location outside the domain.  WebFinger is lacking this functionality.  Given 
that OAuth is likely to be used in hosted environments, this functionality 
seems pretty important.

NUMBER OF ROUND TRIPS:  WebFinger discoveries for user information normally 
require both a host-meta query to retrieve the template and then a second query 
to retrieve the user's information.  This functionality is achieved in a single 
SWD query.

XML AND JSON VERSUS JSON:  WebFinger specifies both XML and JSON support, 
whereas SWD specifies only JSON.  The SWD position is that it's simpler to 
specify only one way of doing the same thing, with JSON being chosen because 
it's simpler for developers to use than XML - the same decision as made for the 
OAuth specs.

DEFINING SPECIFIC RESOURCES:  Besides specifying a discovery protocol, 
WebFinger also defines specific resources and kinds of resources to be used 
with that protocol:  the "acct" URI scheme, the "acct" Link Relation.  These 
should be considered on their own merits, but logically should be decoupled 
from the discovery protocol into a different document or documents.  It's not 
clear these features would be needed in OAuth contexts.


1) Aren't these two mechanisms solving pretty much the same problem?

               They are solving an overlapping set of problems, but with very 
different privacy characteristics, different deployability characteristics, 
different security characteristics, and somewhat different mechanisms.

2) Do we need to have two standards for the same functionality?

               No - Simple Web Discovery is sufficient for the OAuth use cases 
(and likely for others as well).

3) Do you guys have a position or comments regarding either one of them?

               The functionality in Simple Web Discovery is minimal and 
sufficient for the OAuth use cases, whereas some of the functionality and 
assumptions made in WebFinger are harmful, both from a privacy and from a 
deployability perspective.  SWD should proceed to standardization; WebFinger 
should not.

                                                            -- Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Hannes Tschofenig
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 4:00 AM
To: WG
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Web Finger vs. Simple Web Discovery (SWD)

Hi all, 

those who had attended the last IETF meeting may have noticed the ongoing 
activity in the 'Applications Area Working Group' regarding Web Finger. 
We had our discussion regarding Simple Web Discovery (SWD) as part of the 
re-chartering process. 

Here are the two specifications:

Now, the questions that seems to be hanging around are

 1) Aren't these two mechanisms solving pretty much the same problem?
 2) Do we need to have two standards for the same functionality?
 3) Do you guys have a position or comments regarding either one of them? 


PS: Please also let me know if your view is: "I don't really know what all this 
is about and the documents actually don't provide enough requirements to make a 
reasonable judgement about the solution space."

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