Where is this access control and user centric architecture described? I could 
not find it. 


On Apr 12, 2012, at 14:01, "John Bradley" <ve7...@ve7jtb.com> wrote:

> There are important deployment and privacy issues that caused openID Connect 
> to use SWD.
> I was part of the OASIS XRI/XRD work that Web Finger has been based on.
> The main differences are around allowing all of the users information to be 
> publicly discoverable, vs providing for access control. 
> They are similar, but have real design differences.
> Web Finger without XML is not horrible by any means,  but nether is SWD.
> SWD is more about users while host-meta is more about server resources.
> John B.
> On 2012-04-12, at 7:33 PM, Igor Faynberg wrote:
>> To me this looks like more than the same problem being solved--it appears to 
>> be the same protocol... I wonder if, the representation issues were put 
>> aside (i.e., left to the API specification), the common part is what can be 
>> adopted.
>> Igor
>> On 4/12/2012 8:01 AM, Stephen Farrell wrote:
>>> On 04/12/2012 12:00 PM, Hannes Tschofenig wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> those who had attended the last IETF meeting may have noticed the ongoing 
>>>> activity in the 'Applications Area Working Group' regarding Web Finger.
>>>> We had our discussion regarding Simple Web Discovery (SWD) as part of the 
>>>> re-chartering process.
>>>> Here are the two specifications:
>>>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jones-appsawg-webfinger-03
>>>> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-jones-simple-web-discovery-02
>>>> Now, the questions that seems to be hanging around are
>>>>  1) Aren't these two mechanisms solving pretty much the same problem?
>>>>  2) Do we need to have two standards for the same functionality?
>>>>  3) Do you guys have a position or comments regarding either one of them?
>>>> Ciao
>>>> Hannes
>>>> PS: Please also let me know if your view is: "I don't really know what all 
>>>> this is about and the documents actually don't provide enough requirements 
>>>> to make a reasonable judgement about the solution space."
>>> So just as a data-point. We (the IETF, but including
>>> me personally;-) mucked up badly on this some years
>>> ago in the PKI space - we standardised both CMP (rfc
>>> 2510) and CMC (rfc 2797) as two ways to do the same
>>> thing, after a protracted battle between factions
>>> supporting one or the other. We even made sure they
>>> had as much common syntax as possible. (CRMF, rfc
>>> 2511)
>>> Result: neither fully adopted, lots of people still
>>> do proprietary stuff, neither can be killed off
>>> (despite attempts), both need to be maintained (CMP
>>> is now RFC 4210, CMC, 5272, CRMF, 4211), and IMO
>>> partly as a result of us screwing up for what seemed
>>> like good reasons at the time, PKI administration
>>> stuff has never gotten beyond horrible-to-do.
>>> All-in-all, a really bad outcome which is still
>>> a PITA a dozen years later.
>>> As OAuth AD I will need *serious* convincing that
>>> there is a need to provide two ways to do the same
>>> thing. I doubt it'll be possible to convince me,
>>> in fact, so if you wanna try, you'll need to start
>>> by saying that they are not in fact two ways to do
>>> the same thing:-)
>>> S.
>>> PS: This discussion needs to also involve the Apps
>>> area, so I've cc'd that list.
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