Here are the facts:

 1.  The authorization server must know the client type in order to enforce 
many of the requirements in the specification.
 2.  The requirement to provide a client type is not decorated with a MUST or 
SHALL but that is implied.
 3.  The specification only defines two client types: public and confidential. 
There is no client type defined for a hybrid client.
 4.  The specification needs to address the very common use case of clients 
with both public and private components.

I don't want to discuss in the specification how client identifiers are 
provisioned, nor do I want to discuss the potential binding of response types 
to client types. But we do need to provide some guidance to clients and 
authorization servers what to do with clients that do not fit the current type 

It is far too late for us to define a new client type, along with all the 
security considerations that such type imply. Our entire security consideration 
section and protocol design are based on have a well defined client type.

Requiring separate registration for each component is the most straight-forward 
solution. Allowing the authorization server to offer alternatives is the 
backdoor to enable extensibility.

Within these constraints, I am open to other prose or creative solutions. But 
the add-ons proposed are all ugly hacks. They clarify specific questions raised 
which I do not believe represent the core confusion here which is what is the 
right way to handle hybrid clients.

The best way to move forward is to take a minute and ask the group to share how 
they handle such cases or how they think they should be handled. Based on that 
we can come up with a clear solution.


From: Breno de Medeiros <<>>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2012 09:56:13 -0700
To: Eran Hammer-Lahav <<>>
Cc: Nat Sakimura <<>>, OAuth WG 
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Fw: Breaking change in OAuth 2.0 rev. 23

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 07:45, Eran Hammer 
<<>> wrote:
This add-on is unnecessary. It already says the authorization server can handle 
it any way it wants. The fact that other registration options are possible 
clearly covers the client identifier reuse case. As for the response type, 
that’s not an issue but more of an optimization for an edge case raised.

It still feels like a horse by committee to me. "unless the authorization 
server provides other registration options to specify such complex clients." 
seems a very round about way to say that the core spec already provides for 
such arrangements in the most common scenario. It is a bit of a stretch to say 
that the server provides "other registration options" by simply following 
strategy already laid out in the spec.

In particular, I feel that this wording will be harmful to register extended 
behavior, e.g., alternative response_types by leading to fruitless 
conversations about spec compliance in the absence of real security risks.

I do not believe the current text is the best representation of the spirit in 
which the spec was written (in particular the effort to specify two flows in 
detail to deal with precisely this issue) and possibly lead to harmful future 


[<>] On Behalf Of Nat 
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 2:04 AM
To: Breno de Medeiros; OAuth WG

Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Fw: Breaking change in OAuth 2.0 rev. 23

So, Eran's first proposal:

  A client application consisting of multiple components, each with its
  own client type (e.g. a distributed client with both a confidential
  server-based component and a public browser-based component), MUST
  register each component separately as a different client to ensure
  proper handling by the authorization server, unless the authorization
  server provides other registration options to specify such complex clients.

kind of meets my concern. There seems to be another issue around the usefulness 
of return_type in such case raised by Breno, and if I understand it correctly, 
Eran's answer was that these separate components may have the same client_id so 
that return_type is a valid parameter to be sent at the request.

So, to clarify these, perhaps changing the above text slightly to the following 
solves the problem?

  A client application consisting of multiple components, each with its
  own client type (e.g. a distributed client with both a confidential
  server-based component and a public browser-based component), MUST
  register each component separately as a different client to ensure
  proper handling by the authorization server, unless the authorization
  server provides other registration options to specify such complex clients.
  Each component MAY have the same client_id, in which case the server
  judges the client type and the associated security context  based on
  the response_type parameter in the request.

Would it solve your problem, Breno?



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