The problem is that token type AWESOME may have different mechanics for 
submission.  The client has to know how to use it.  I do agree we have a 
disconnect here, and that what we have right now leans completely on "reading 
the service documentation" for the Auth and RP endpoints you want to use.

 From: Michael D Adams <>
To: Stephen Farrell <> 
Cc: Barry Leiba <>; oauth WG <> 
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2011 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Mandatory-to-implement token type
On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 5:44 PM, Stephen Farrell
<> wrote:
> On 12/02/2011 01:38 AM, Michael D Adams wrote:
>> So an MTI token type + no client preference is equivalent to there
>> only existing one token type.
> Maybe.
> However, no MTI token type + no client preference = no interop.
> So I don't get your argument. (When thinking of interop.)

I think it's me that doesn't understand your argument.

Suppose an authorization server implements OAuth2 and has some
requirement that the MTI token type doesn't provide (as William Mills
suggested), so the server implements token type AWESOME in addition to
token type MTI.

Whenever a token is requested, the authorization server issues one of
type AWESOME.  Type MTI is never issued.

Why bother implementing type MTI if it's never used?

Additionally, the authorization server could not implement type MTI
but claim it did.  There's no way for a third party to verify the
claim since the authorization server never issues a token of type MTI.

If tokens of type MTI are never used by this server, how does the MTI
token type help interop?  Is your argument that this server would say
"No, we do not support OAuth2.  We do, however, support
OAuth2+AWESOME."?  That semantic argument I understand, but I am
ignorant as to how/if it fits into the RFC.
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