On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 6:27 PM, Stephen Farrell
<stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie> wrote:
> On 12/02/2011 02:14 AM, Michael D Adams wrote:
>> Suppose an authorization server implements OAuth2 and has some
>> requirement that the MTI token type doesn't provide (as William Mills
>> suggested), so the server implements token type AWESOME in addition to
>> token type MTI.
>> Whenever a token is requested, the authorization server issues one of
>> type AWESOME.  Type MTI is never issued.
>> Why bother implementing type MTI if it's never used?
> That, I think, assumes that the requesting party only ever works with
> the AWESOME token-type issuer. Seems a shame to me that whoever wrote
> that code can't work with any other MTI token-type issuer as well, at
> least.

Sorry, I was unclear.  Suppose awesome.com only issues token of type
AWESOME and mti.com only issues tokens of type MTI.  Suppose further
that client X understands how to handle both types of tokens and can
receive and use tokens from both awesome.com and mti.com.

My question does not concern the client.  My question is: Why should
awesome.com bother implementing type MTI if it will never issue such a

>> Additionally, the authorization server could not implement type MTI
>> but claim it did.  There's no way for a third party to verify the
>> claim since the authorization server never issues a token of type MTI.
> Irrelevant. I could claim to be handsome. Would work equally
> well.

I claim the argument helps show the meaninglessness of defining an MTI
token type, but I think my statement of it is poorly formulated and
trying to restate it more clearly will just take us down a road with
as much relevance to the discussion as you grant my initial statement
:)  So I concede.

>> If tokens of type MTI are never used by this server, how does the MTI
>> token type help interop?Is your argument that this server would say
>> "No, we do not support OAuth2.  We do, however, support
>> OAuth2+AWESOME."?  That semantic argument I understand, but I am
>> ignorant as to how/if it fits into the RFC.
> No, my argument is that there are many servers and many clients on
> the Internet and having them all have a way to interop, if they
> choose to do so, is a good thing in itself. Writing an RFC so that
> its a random pick as to whether they do or don't interop is not IMO
> a good thing.

Thanks.  I understand better what you're saying.  I believe you're saying:

1. In a world where there is a MTI token type, my hypothetical
only-issue-tokens-of-type-AWESOME has explicitly opted out of
2. In a world where there is no MTI token type, interoperability
becomes ad hoc and so non-existant.
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