
Seems like this draft is based on an old version of the v2 specification. Stuff 
like signature and endpoint location is long gone...


From: William Mills []
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 9:39 AM
To: Eran Hammer-Lahav; OAuth WG
Subject: RE: Removal: 'OAuth2' HTTP Authentication Scheme

From: Eran Hammer-Lahav []
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 9:16 AM
To: William Mills; OAuth WG
Subject: RE: Removal: 'OAuth2' HTTP Authentication Scheme

You're going to make me do all the work...

Where's the spec?


From: William Mills []
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 9:06 AM
To: Eran Hammer-Lahav; OAuth WG
Subject: RE: Removal: 'OAuth2' HTTP Authentication Scheme

My initial implementation of a SASL mechanism is now published at and it conforms to the discovery 
mechanism in the draft spec for the mechanism.

The code is pretty rough, and there's some major portability work to do as well 
as the fact that there's no automake and such.  Please feel free to create 
issues on github if you find things.


From: Eran Hammer-Lahav []
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 10:22 PM
To: William Mills; OAuth WG
Subject: RE: Removal: 'OAuth2' HTTP Authentication Scheme

Can you provide an example HTTP response header showing how you provide this 
discovery information? It would be helpful to think about solutions.


From: William Mills []
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 8:44 AM
To: Eran Hammer-Lahav; OAuth WG
Subject: RE: Removal: 'OAuth2' HTTP Authentication Scheme

As long as we can do the discovery in band and it doesn't require major 
differences in-band I'm OK.  I spinning back up on the SASL mechanism (now that 
I finally was allowed to opensource it), and my current in-band discovery is 
pretty clean using WWW-Authenticate.

From: [] On Behalf Of Eran 
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 10:32 PM
To: OAuth WG
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Removal: 'OAuth2' HTTP Authentication Scheme

One of the main problems with OAuth in general has always been the unsanitary 
mix of authorization and authentication ("it's an authentication protocol... 
authorization protocol... authentication protocol" [1]). It has always been a 
confusing mess. The work on 2.0 has provided a valuable abstraction and 
separation of the two components, especially the recent document split. In 
addition, the recent work on the bearer token document and the MAC token type 
have raised issues about OAuth and its relationship with HTTP authentication.

I would like to suggest we drop the 'OAuth2' WWW-Authenticate header completely 
from the specification for the following reasons:

1.       Draft oauth-v2 is clearly not an authentication protocol. It 
*utilizes* client authentication. It offers one fully defined method for client 
authentication (which is basically HTTP Basic+), provides a half-baked client 
assertion authentication hook, and leaves all end-user authentication out of 

2.       The WWW-Authenticate header has absolutely no value, 
interoperability-wise or otherwise. Discovery was rules to be beyond the scope 
of this specification. Having a protected resource declare it supports 
authentication using some unspecified credentials obtained using some 
unspecified client flow is confusing at best. In the future, an interoperable 
discovery mechanism will be needed to allow clients to interact with completely 
unknown protected resources, but this has been consistently ruled to be 
premature standardization at this point.

3.       OAuth is agnostic to token authentication, and we already have three 
discrete token type proposals - all with active deployment plans in the coming 
months. Two of these methods have already defined a full HTTP authentication 
scheme (even if the bearer token specification has not yet been updated to 
change its scheme name).

4.       HTTP *authentication* is not an appropriate facility to negotiate 
*authorization*. OAuth authorization discovery can be added to HTTP 
authentication schemes as attributes, but makes no sense as a scheme of its 
own. The issues we are having with 'realm' is one of the examples showing that 
we are abusing the header.

5.       Again, as specified, it adds no value and I am not aware of any 
existing OAuth 1.0a implementation making use of the response header for client 
interoperability (yes, many include it, but how many clients actually rely on 
it, and if they do, how?).

For these reasons I would like to suggest we:

1.       Drop the WWW-Authenticate header definition and OAuth2 scheme from the 
specification, leaving it up to each token type to define its own 
authentication flow. In the future, a comprehensive discovery specification 
should define a new HTTP response header for providing discovery information. I 
have suggested using Link: rel='authorization' as a simple yet powerful 

2.       Rename the document to 'The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol' to make 
it clear what this document is really about.

Comments? Counter argument?



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