Could you clarify what the "confusing mess" part is? The cited reference [1] is 
not useful.

It is good to adhere to the challenge-response model of 2617 for wider 
interoperability and discoverability (yes, WWW-Authenticate with a well-known 
scheme name helps discovery and lack thereof reduces protocol visibility).


On Jan 14, 2011, at 10:32 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:

> One of the main problems with OAuth in general has always been the unsanitary 
> mix of authorization and authentication (“it’s an authentication protocol… 
> authorization protocol… authentication protocol” [1]). It has always been a 
> confusing mess. The work on 2.0 has provided a valuable abstraction and 
> separation of the two components, especially the recent document split. In 
> addition, the recent work on the bearer token document and the MAC token type 
> have raised issues about OAuth and its relationship with HTTP authentication.
> I would like to suggest we drop the ‘OAuth2’ WWW-Authenticate header 
> completely from the specification for the following reasons:
> 1.       Draft oauth-v2 is clearly not an authentication protocol. It 
> *utilizes* client authentication. It offers one fully defined method for 
> client authentication (which is basically HTTP Basic+), provides a half-baked 
> client assertion authentication hook, and leaves all end-user authentication 
> out of scope.
> 2.       The WWW-Authenticate header has absolutely no value, 
> interoperability-wise or otherwise. Discovery was rules to be beyond the 
> scope of this specification. Having a protected resource declare it supports 
> authentication using some unspecified credentials obtained using some 
> unspecified client flow is confusing at best. In the future, an interoperable 
> discovery mechanism will be needed to allow clients to interact with 
> completely unknown protected resources, but this has been consistently ruled 
> to be premature standardization at this point.
> 3.       OAuth is agnostic to token authentication, and we already have three 
> discrete token type proposals – all with active deployment plans in the 
> coming months. Two of these methods have already defined a full HTTP 
> authentication scheme (even if the bearer token specification has not yet 
> been updated to change its scheme name).
> 4.       HTTP *authentication* is not an appropriate facility to negotiate 
> *authorization*. OAuth authorization discovery can be added to HTTP 
> authentication schemes as attributes, but makes no sense as a scheme of its 
> own. The issues we are having with ‘realm’ is one of the examples showing 
> that we are abusing the header.
> 5.       Again, as specified, it adds no value and I am not aware of any 
> existing OAuth 1.0a implementation making use of the response header for 
> client interoperability (yes, many include it, but how many clients actually 
> rely on it, and if they do, how?).
> For these reasons I would like to suggest we:
> 1.       Drop the WWW-Authenticate header definition and OAuth2 scheme from 
> the specification, leaving it up to each token type to define its own 
> authentication flow. In the future, a comprehensive discovery specification 
> should define a new HTTP response header for providing discovery information. 
> I have suggested using Link: rel=’authorization’ as a simple yet powerful 
> solution.
> 2.       Rename the document to ‘The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol’ to 
> make it clear what this document is really about.
> Comments? Counter argument?
> [1]
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