I am willing to serve as editor for the bearer token specification and have my 
management's approval to do so.  Furthermore, I believe that I am qualified, 
having successfully served as an editor for several standards specifications, 
including the OASIS IMI specification and related SAML token profiles, the 
OpenID PAPE specification, and (some time ago), the POSIX Threads standard.

                                -- Mike

-----Original Message-----
From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of 
Blaine Cook
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 5:32 PM
To: oauth@ietf.org
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Call for Consensus on Document Split

Over the past few weeks, the working group debated the issues around the 
introduction of signatures and the structure of the specification.
The working group seems to endorse the proposal to split the current 
specification into two parts: one including section 5 (bearer token) and the 
other including the rest (how to obtain a token), with an additional 
specification covering signature use cases.

This serves as a call for consensus on the proposed editorial work.
Before we proceed with the changes, the chairs would like to ask if anyone has 
any concerns or objections against this proposal.

In addition, the chairs are seeking a volunteer to take over the bearer token 
specification (section 5) as editor.

Please submit your comments by Wednesday, October 20th.

- The OAuth Working Group Chairs
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