Myself and others feel that a spec for how to sign a request would be useful 
for other specifications. As I noted in a previous email, there was dismay when 
the signing of an OpenID message was very similar, but different than the 
signing in OAuth 1.0A. 

Signing messages was a huge stumbling block for OAuth 1.0A deployment. Having a 
more general signing specification that leads to generic libraries for signing 
and verifying would be a GOOD THING IMHO.

To be clear, I am not saying we should ignore signing, I see that it can be 
complex, particularly when you start looking at key discovery and multi 
algorithm support. I think it would be better to do it right in a spec rather 
than just including the OAUth 1.0A algorithm and it being cumbersome to deal 
with key management and alternative algorithm support.

On 2010-09-27, at 10:01 AM, Igor Faynberg wrote:

> I mistyped, and just noticed that it looked strange.  I meant to type:
> Igor Faynberg wrote:
>> ...
>> But if both the OAuth signatures and the OAuth core specifications are 
>> complete and going for approval at the same time, why not actually have them 
>> in the same spec, especially given that THE (not "we") experts who have 
>> agreed working on this and ARE working on this?
>> Igor

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