Most developers don't know if they need signatures! By putting them elsewhere 
we will be promoting the bearer token approve as the default choice and that's 
unacceptable to me. It is promoting a specific security compromise (for 
developer ease) that is far from industry consensus.

I can make the same arguments about assertions. Or any single profile. Or any 
client credentials type. The bits that are in are based solely on a team effort 
in trying to accommodate as many people as possible. Seems like those opposed 
signatures got everything they want, don't really care about others, and are 
ready to call it a day.


On 9/24/10 5:20 PM, "Dick Hardt" <> wrote:

That's a confusing answer Eve. Is it in the spec or pointed to from the spec?

I think there is consensus that there are enough use cases that signatures need 
to be spec'ed -- the question is if the signature spec is in core or a separate 

For people that don't need signatures, having them separate keeps the core spec 
simpler. Having a separate spec enables other groups to reuse the signature 
mechanism without confusing their readers with the rest of the OAuth spec.

On 2010-09-24, at 1:37 PM, Eve Maler wrote:

> +1 for signature support in the core spec (which may look like normative 
> pointers out to a separate spec module if it turns out there's wider usage 
> for that module beyond OAuth).
>       Eve
> On 23 Sep 2010, at 6:43 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
>> Since much of this recent debate was done off list, I'd like to ask people
>> to simply express their support or objection to including a basic signature
>> feature in the core spec, in line with the 1.0a signature approach.
>> This is not a vote, just taking the temperature of the group.
>> EHL
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