Yes, there is certainly a risk if someone just checks the signature and does not verify the content of the message. This is a bad implementation
of an authorization system, to be sure, and it's an issue that people
need to be aware of. But simply signing metadata doesn't completely
solve the problem, either. In both cases there can be parameters that
are outside of the signed request that need to be checked and treated

Ah, perhaps I was unclear. I didn't mean *signing* metadata, I meant *sending* metadata. Using a completely made-up syntax:

1. Signer computes signature sig_val over data object:
   { user_agent: "Mozilla", method: "GET" }
2. Signer sends { signed_fields: ['user_agent', 'method'], sig: sig_val }
3. Recipient reconstructs data object using signed_fields
4. Recipient verifies sig_val == sign(reconstructed_object)

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