On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> wrote:
> Framing the argument against "having a 2 in it" as bikeshedding is missing 
> the point. My reason against using OAuth2 is that is will undermine all the 
> work put in to build an extensible framework that can evolve without needing 
> a whole new version. By putting a version number, we make it more attractive 
> to change the protocol than extend it.

Sure, but clearly there is no evolution from OAuth 1 to OAuth 2. If
the next version of OAuth is an evolution of OAuth 2 then it probably
should not be called OAuth 3 but rather OAtuh 2.1 and then header and
parameter names can be kept the same. At some point a new revolution
will be needed and then OAuth 3 is appropriate, as well as new header
and parameter names.

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