So, now that OAuth 2 is not solely SP-centric, it probably makes sense to change some of the encoding (this was written in 2008) :) Also, the interaction with the Authorization server is more constrained than the interaction with the resource owner so that also allows for simplification.

I do think that even in the calls with the Authorization server there is going to be the need to add parameters via some profiling/extension mechanism. Is your thought that those documents would describe the XML and JSON structures as well?

As an aside, we also support PHP and Flash serialization. Do we need separate docs for each format so that it can be native? I think the approach of the extension was to provide a generic container. Not as pretty but maybe transformable across formats.


On 6/4/10 9:42 AM, Andrew Arnott wrote:
Thanks, George.  From that I get this:
     <oauth_parameter name="oauth_token">token</oauth_parameter>
  <oauth_parameter name="oauth_token_secret">secret</oauth_parameter>

From the text around it, it sounds like SPs were permitted to add to this (presumably using their own element names). While this seems reasonable, it seems that SP-specific extensions that used alternate element names would then be incompatible with JSON and url-encoded responses since they cannot include this extra element metadata. (well JSON could, with some breaking changes to the format).

So with that, it seems like we should eliminate the redundant oauth_parameter element name in favor of just using the name of the parameter as the element name.

Andrew Arnott
"I [may] not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." - S. G. Tallentyre

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 6:34 AM, George Fletcher < <>> wrote:

    I don't know if this is helpful or not... but there was a proposed
    extension for OAuth 1.0 dealing with encoding OAuth responses in
    different body formats... this can be found on the now extinct
    oauth-extensions google group.


    On 6/4/10 8:56 AM, Andrew Arnott wrote:
    In the absence of anyone else volunteering an XML format, what
    would you say to this as a proposal (because the implementation
    of which happens to be simple for me):

    <root type="object">
    <access_token type="string">some access token</access_token>
    <refresh_token type="string">some refresh token</refresh_token>
    <expires_in type="number">235298298</expires_in>

    So the main points here is:

       1. no namespace
       2. root tag is called "root"
       3. each parameter is an element
       4. each element has a type parameter that is either string,
          number, or object to assist the deserializer to understnad
          how to cast the contents.

    We may axe #4.  In fact we may want to switch all the elements to
    attributes because it's slightly more compact which might help
    small devices.

    Andrew Arnott
    "I [may] not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to
    the death your right to say it." - S. G. Tallentyre

    On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 9:12 AM, Andrew Arnott
    < <>> wrote:

        Where is the definition of how a auth server response in XML
        format should look?  At the least we need an XML namespace
        and root node name.

        Andrew Arnott
        "I [may] not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend
        to the death your right to say it." - S. G. Tallentyre

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