On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 11:31 PM, Luke Shepard <lshep...@facebook.com>wrote:

> FWIW, Facebook does not do strict equality matching on redirect_uri. We
> accept any redirect_uri that has either:
> - its prefix is the registered url
> - or it is a special facebook.com/xd_proxy.php url, with an origin
> parameter that has a prefix on the registered url
> I think that the spec should leave the matching up to the server.

If the matching is left to an arbitrary, server defined algorithm, we lose
interop since a client implementation may make assumptions on what may be
allowed in the redirect_uri at one AS and then not be able to work with
another AS that is more restrictive.

As this is a security feature, I'd like to hear the options from the
security oriented participants with experience here.

Allen / Brian?
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