On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 10:40 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> wrote:
>> >>>> 7.  Refreshing an Access Token
>> >>>>
>> >>>> I would suggest to add an optional "scope" parameter to this request.
>> >>>> This could be used to downgrade the scope associated with a token.
>> >>>
>> >>> That would be the wrong way to do it given that people will expect
>> >>> to also
>> >> be able to upgrade scope.
>> >>
>> >> Would you elaborate? Would not providing a scope parameter enable any
>> >> potential change in scope to the access token? The change may be
>> >> neither an upgrade or downgrade, just different.
>> >
>> > Downgrading scope is the only modification allowed without getting the
>> end-user involved again (or using any of the flows from the beginning).
>> When you refresh a token, you can ask to get a new token with less scope
>> because that will not conflict with the access grant.
>> The client could downgrade and then upgrade again later, which would not
>> change the delegation granted by a user.
> I think that will cause more confusion and problems than help. I am also not 
> sure if there are real use cases for this limited capability.

Not sure how downgrade then upgrade would work. I think down/up grade
is always relative to the scope associated with the refreshed token.
The refresh token never changes, so the base scope is always the same.

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