Thanks to those who participated!

Some conclusions:

> 1. Server Response Format
> After extensive debate, we have a large group in favor of using JSON as the
> only response format (current draft). We also have a smaller group but with
> stronger feelings on the subject that JSON adds complexity with no obvious
> value.
> A. Form-encoded only (original draft)
> B. JSON only (current draft)
> C. JSON as default with form-encoded and XML available with an optional
> request parameter

It seems like we have weak consensus to go with C where the server must support 
all three formats, and the client can use either one. This approach addresses 
most of the concerns around client complexity / size. Only one person strongly 
objected to C (without an explanation that can be addressed). Summing up the 
results was hard because many people had no strong preference between A and B 
but with each of the three options received about a third of the votes.

My guess is that if we held another vote asking if the spec should only support 
form-encoded or all three - all three will get most of the votes (and same if 
we made JSON the only option or all three). This is why C is really the only 
way to move forward at this point. We can revisit this later if implementation 
experience shows supporting all three in this manner is a problem.

I am going to add this to the specification as a point of reference for future 

> 2. Client Authentication (in flows)
> How should the client authenticate when making token requests? The
> current draft defines special request parameters for sending client
> credentials. Some have argued that this is not the correct way, and that the
> client should be using existing HTTP authentication schemes to accomplish
> that such as Basic.
> A. Client authenticates by sending its credentials using special parameters
> (current draft) B. Client authenticated by using HTTP Basic (or other schemes
> supported by the server such as Digest)

Weak consensus to support both request parameters and HTTP Basic authentication 
(with other schemes as optional). I will add a new section to the draft 
allowing replacing the parameters with an HTTP authentication header. The flows 
text will remain the same.


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