On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 3:33 AM, Vivek Khurana <hiddenharm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 2:36 AM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> 
> wrote:
>> DEADLINE: 5/13
>> I would like to publish one more draft before our interim meeting in two 
>> weeks (5/20). Below are two open issues we have on the list. Please reply 
>> with your preference (or additional solutions) to each item. Issues with 
>> consensus will be incorporated into the next draft. Those without will be 
>> discussed at the meeting.
>> EHL
>> ---
>> 1. Server Response Format
>> After extensive debate, we have a large group in favor of using JSON as the 
>> only response format (current draft). We also have a smaller group but with 
>> stronger feelings on the subject that JSON adds complexity with no obvious 
>> value.
>> A. Form-encoded only (original draft)
>> B. JSON only (current draft)
>> C. JSON as default with form-encoded and XML available with an optional 
>> request parameter
>  Being someone who has been involved in development of general purpose
> libraries, I will either A or B, which means either full JSON RFC 4267
> compliance or Form-encoded only. Support of multiple format not only
> increases development and maintenance effort, it increases the size of
> library too. Since on the web, client might have to download the
> library, keeping library size small is very important. If the standard
> supports multiple formats, we might end up with libraries which will
> support either JSON or XML or Form-encoded, thus leading to confusion
> among developers.

For C, I don't think clients would be required to support both, only
servers must support both.

That being said, clients have to support A regardless (refresh token
request still require clients to use form-encoded for the request;
browser based requests require adding parameters to query string;
browser based responses require parsing the query string; the
User-Agent flow requires parsing query string from fragment). To me B
and C are the same when it comes to dependencies and complexity.

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