Regarding the second comment I made below: I realized last night that Sections 
3.7.1 and 3.7.2 get this more correct, by saying that an autonomous client 
represents a "separate resource owner". So Section 2.2 definitely needs a 
slight change, from:

"...and autonomous flows where the client is acting for itself (the client is 
also the resource owner)."

to something like:

"...and autonomous flows where the client is acting on behalf of a different 
resource owner."



On 21 Apr 2010, at 4:43 PM, Eve Maler wrote:

> Tacking this response to the end of the thread for lack of a better place to 
> do it: The name "username" seems not quite apt in the case of an autonomous 
> client that isn't representing an end-user. Would "identifier" be better? 
> (Actually, it sort of reminds me of SAML's "SessionIndex"...) Or would the 
> parameter be reserved for user-delegation flows?
> Speaking of autonomous clients, Section 2.2 -- among possibly other places -- 
> states that an autonomous client is also the resource owner, but that's not 
> always the case, is it? The client might be seeking access on behalf of 
> itself. (FWIW, I made roughly this same comment on David's first draft on 
> March 21, and he agreed with my suggested fix at the time.)
>       Eve

Eve Maler

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